Dimensions of Time and Space

When we look out into the world here on Earth, what do we see? When we look out into the night’s sky, what do we wonder? When we speak to each other, what do we know? When we touch a tree, someone’s hand, or the fabric of clothing, what do we feel? When we wake in the morning, when we step out into the world, what do we hear? We see, we know, we feel, we hear….we do much.

Earth is but a dimension of space and time. However simplistic that description is, it is that, and so much more. The more so that we know and the more so that we do not know, it is all of that. How can we describe this place that we live in? Each of us has our own perceptions of this reality we call life on Earth. But is that all there is? If there is more, how do we conceptualize that each for ourselves? One could say we know what we know.

It is ironic that we seem tucked away on this single planet without signs of life elsewhere beyond our reach. Yet we see far other planets, galaxies, and celestial bodies that stimulate our imaginations. We wonder today, and have been wondering for aeons. What is it that this place, this dimension of a reality, can reveal to us to answer these questions? Who knows what time and space is? We see our clocks and the rising and setting of the sun. We walk across a room and see off into the horizon. We observe as ants make their trek in inches which amount to yards, meters, miles, and kilometers for us. Time, space, and all the factors that are, and could be, involved in the makings of a dimension of reality, are known to us, and yet at the same time, remain elusive to our understanding. Yet we continue to seek, to imagine.

Closing one’s eyes, we too can revisit much, as they call it memory. Even more, our imaginations bring about visions of events and places that to our external eyes have or have not happened. We dream asleep and experience even more. Awake or asleep, dimensions of reality flow through our consciousness. Is the space we see when observing the world any different than the space we experience when dreaming or imagining? Is the time we experience likewise any different in either case? It could be and it could not be. Could it be subjective? Could it possibly be simply a matter of awareness?

What measures define our own conceptions of reality? Do we seek a definition for dimension within a context, a concept, a constraint, or a container, of any varying proportions? Do we define, deconstruct, or construct such conceptualizations? Is it circular, four-sided, or simply a line? Could it possibly be just a point? We know not and yet we do. For what we live in is and it has been, thus it was and has always been. That sentence can be understood from a point of dimension, extra-dimension, and intra-dimension. For if a measure of something is age, an aspect of time, what are our limitations with understanding either? At what point does something that we know exists have an age of such high number that it becomes defined as ageless? If there is such a number that defines ageless, when do the zeros stop? At what length can something be age old? Is that to be understood within our understanding of human timelines or is it older than that?

If it took a big bang to create our dimension of reality known as Earth and our solar system, how old is the phenomenon of the “bang?” Age old? Earth is the only dimension of reality known mostly to humanity. One dimension known. One. Among visuals and measurings of posulates that extend beyond the definability of age within our own understandings there exists an oxymoron. We are here on Earth alone. It’s just us. One dimension. Earth. Can that be? Absolutely! Our perceptions and awareness say it is so. But, alas! Our imaginings say otherwise. Wait! That’s two dimensions of reality. Uh oh!