The Game Masters

Between humanity and God, there exists much. Our Earth reality is but one container within that space we understand as separation from Heaven. What happens in all the spheres of life contained like Earth? They all play games within their realms. Who helps create those games for the participants? A group entrusted with those roles and responsibilities can simply be known as The Game Masters. They lie, much like their associates involved in different arenas of the overall game, behind a veil operating unbebounced to the participants. Many are involved in those layers of participation.

One whisper within a consciousness can drive a consciousness to perform certain actions. A systemic consciousness platform was thus created to potentiate certain qualities of individual consciousness. This is done within the walls of the experience creation in question. A game is created, its participants agree to the parameters of the game. They surrender their free will to that of the game. The perception of free will amidst a consciousness template designed to “speak” to the internal consciousness aware is in fact a multidimensional structure that directs the said consciousness experience to know, feel, and act in accordance with the transmissions they receive. Upon reception of said internal speak via the consciousness structure, template, parameters, and plan for that individual consciousness, the individual acts within experience.

The best broad example of this structure can be understood within the realms of astrology. “You are a Taurus and thus have these natural tendencies as has been noted for centuries.” It is not so much the in depth understanding of the minute and individual details contained within astrology that are important, but the overall structure that astrology is. It says, “Your personality is this because of this.” In all honesty, the you that you know to be described in astrology is a subtle message saying your identity has been manufactured. The complexity of the details of astrology are merely brush strokes forming the symbol that consciousness is within an experience created. The participants are created as well.

Yes, that’s right! Your consciousness has been manufactured. How can an individual not be who they are when their entire consciousness from birth has been planned and structured around a system designed to convince someone of their identity? They can’t. Watch as everyone will be who they are according to what occurs within their consciousness. It has been happening for a very long time. Would you say it is effective, the system?

Yet, the human population talks vehemently about their own free will. The greatest humbling realization humanity can attain from its experience is the truth of the absence of free will. Humans will offendedly defend their position against such a statement. It is such a deep blow to identity many cannot accept it. They continue rolling along through the life currents that carry and support this structure. We all are within it. No one is the exception. Even the author typing these words does so under direction.

The origin of this system of consciousness within experience is much like any creationary element. It took groups of individual consciousness working together to create such a system. It is a system amidst many different systems, all contained within and designed for the experience project created. Earth is one such experience project. We are all the participants.

The Game Masters can be thought of as an administrative body of individuals creating and helping to manage experience realms under the ultimate direction of a superceeding creationary director, known most widely as God. They could be thought of as game theorists. Not only do they assist in the creation of the experience, but their expertise is orchestrating the unfolding dramas that occur within the experience. The design, preliminary, test, and inclusion phases of experience themes is one of their major roles. One could think of them as script writers. The only exception being that the stories they write influence the game in question. Earth is one such story.

What script is unfolding within our lives? Know that your own interactions with and the assistance from these Game Masters and their associates is a memory but shielded from your awareness due to the parameters set within consciousness upon Earth. Recognizing that within ones own consciousness is a difficult one. However, we all are afforded the gift of hindsight. Can we each see this deep structure in place? If it were to suddenly become apparent to all would that be a good thing? If every human being realized their own misconception in perception of themselves, others, and this world, would humanity finally be humble enough to come together? The plan is under way. Disclosure is not an event to wait for. It happens for all that leave this world via its exit structure.

Analyze for a moment your own consciousness. Can it see this struture discussed? Can it see it within itself? This is difficult as the subtlties of even a word such as “subconscious” can leave one viewing a barrier. Denial, doubt, fear, threat, offense, and other thoughts and emotions immediately come to the fore. “It cannot be.” “This is ridiculous.” “What a bunch of bs!” The internal system cannot handle the lack of knowledge of such discussions. However, it is that very recognizable barrier visualized, experienced, felt, and known within self consciousness that is a structure to not only identify, but to ackowledge, accept, and challenge. It is by design. It will not allow you to see. However, it is also an individual part to the overall structure discussed, thus transcendable likewise. Much like scraping away at a concrete wall, eventually a hole is made and one can see through the wall to what lies unknown.

Take 100 people and put them into costume. Then give them a script and a part to play. The birthday person is you. You have no idea who these people really are. They act their parts. When the party is over, the birthday person remembers the actors. The actors go home and take off their costumes. They rest well that night knowing they helped create an experience for that birthday person. Who is conscious of what? “Its just a birthday party!” Right. When one understands the dynamic of a costume party conducted by individuals not only within a human body costume but operating from within a consciousness structure that keeps them from knowing their true identity, the mirror is seen. Free will cannot exist when one is acting a part. The absence of knowledge of the self prior to the entry into this world is the parameter included that ensures free will does not exist.

The miracle of this unawareness is only possible through a form of technological means that we are not aware of. This is how it works. However, included in that design are parameters that include bypassing this consciousness control system. One could say that the human Earthly life is one setup to ultimately see this at play. “I bet you won’t be able to break through,” has been said prior to incaranting here. We all wonder if we will and our lives include those opportunities of design.

In much the same fashion, no matter what a human is doing, they will be directed within the experience. A choice made is simply a thought streamed to initiate action. Was it your thought or a thought entering your consciousness? How would you know the difference? “My thoughts are my own!” Sure, they occur within the bubble one knows is their consciousness, but is that consciousness bubble impervious to thoughts and feelings entering one’s consciousness that one cannot detect as anything other than originating from within their bubble? The mechanics of this are unknown to the majority of humans on Earth.

This is why it has been suggested over thousands of years the importance of practicing a silent mind. For only within a silent mind can one begin to differenciate the whispers and echos that subsequently occur and have occurred as consciousness streams our entire lives. Consciousness as a telepathic potentiality is not something of science fiction, but more a default mechanism unrecognized.

Humanity is, and has been, waking up to this reality. One could say this fragment of discussion is a part of the overall disclosure. It is not just aliens. It is all that is “alien” to us. Our consciousnesses have to take gradual steps in opening up to these ideas, the additional qualities and potentialities of the nature of reality. The design elements and the working parts that are incorporated into an Experience System, such as Earth, have many departments. These “Game Masters” are simply planners, designers, overseers, and implementers, standing along side with and working in tandem with other administrative group responsibilities involved in world and realm projects. Yes, Earth has HUGE oversight. These groups represent participants as well, the only difference being they lie on the control room end. We’ve all been in those chairs as well, watching others play the game we all do now.

The importance of this discussion is the knowing that there is alot of planning that goes into what we all experience as just another day. Imagine being involved in the moral and ethical planning behind the scenes of experience plots not only on a global level, but in the geographic, regional, familial, and individual level. There are and have been groups involved in such activities. These are the normal options available outside of Earth life. The options for contributing are limitless. Being involved in game design and theory on a multidimensional level is what many of us do in some capacity across eternal lives. We work on the design and planning for a while, then we participate, then we go back to suppport, then we participate again….rinse and repeat.

It is very basically like this:

1) There is a zone that is the “Heaven” realms

2) There is a zone that contains the “Experience” realms

3) Then there is the zone that contains each “Experience.”

From a singular consciousness perspective, we can be within any one of these at any time. We all sit within the zone that is the Earth experience now. However, we have all sat within the heaven zone. Likewise, we have also sat within the zone that contains all of the experience zones. These experience zones can be thought of as different galaxies, planets, and universes. There are alot of “admin workers” that perform many functions for this “Experience” zone, supporting not only the overall structures of all “Experiences,” but also working with a specific “Experience.” These are the unseen souls to the participants of any and all experiences. As a human species learning, our consciousness is beginning to understand this.

This is why we are all equal. The responsibility for fellow souls felt by other souls is a deep understanding outside of the experience. This is why they remain seated in assistance to this planet, this “Experience,” Game Master or otherwise. It is not a title of exclusivity, but a communication of understanding that can be relied upon and inquired with. It is an identifier, as best as the English language can convey. A role existing, supporting a multi-dependent structure of creation.

The idea is the precursor to understanding in manifestation. When it is seen without definition a new definition arises. These are the concepts surrounding not only an overall advancing human consciousness, but also the preparatory images required to recognize and accept our true nature as multidimensional beings. We cannot help but become that which we already are.