The Dark Lords, An Introduction

Across a bandwidth of time, space, and consciousness, much exists. Much. From the minutia to the infinite expansion, there is a full circle of experience in manifested form. From the brightest Light of Divinity, to the deepest dredges of Darkness and Chaos, it all exists. Some of it, unspeakable so.

Along the Dark spectrum of reality, the Dark Lords do sit. Among an infinite, eternal Creation of Creations, there stand erect warning signs. “Do Not Pass. Enter With Caution. Beware The Traveler. No Admittance Without Prior Authorization.” These signs exist based upon past experience. “Be mindful of your curiosity,” they say.

There is a reason why system clearance is enforced across much of the multiverse. Some systems do not have these warnings. Luckily, for many out there, precautionary realms provide much needed boundaries and check points that prevent accidental entry into known systems of a Dark nature. The Michaels stand at these checkpoints, those boundaries are protected.

However, beyond those boundary lines, another kind of sovereignty exists. Chaos is its name. Like a movie rating system the multiverse is categorized with not only symbolic descriptors, but also travelers are rated for clearance as well. As an inhabitant in most of the multiverse, these precautions are made. Like the designation NC-17, many of the Dark realms exist with labels indicating its nature and who may enter.

Outside of the regulated universes with residents holding access restrictions for their protection, the precautions do not exist. What may seem like a Saturday night carnival with rides and cotton candy would actually end up being a nightmare. This is primarily where the Dark Lords reside.

Many families exist out in the multiverse. For many of those families, they enjoy the luxury of knowing limitations across a spectrum of experience. The Custodians of the realms these families exist in provide those limitations. The Custodians know the extremes that exist within infinity and provide protection on an infinite level as well. However, even individual residents within custodial realms of protection venture out beyond those boundaries of protection. Even with that, other protectionary institutions exist as well outside those walls. However, the warnings are given nonetheless. The further into the forest you venture, the more alone you become. Chaos increases.

Within the Realms of Chaos, the Custodians there are known as Dark Lords. Some are quite friendly as they enjoy making new friends, especially friends who are new to their realms. Some may even provide a visitor with a tour and give them the choice of participating or leaving. It all depends upon the Dark Lord presiding. However, usually they greatly desire to not only show you their creation, but also, quite selfishly, to witness your experience of it. Their enjoyment is your enjoyment. “Enjoyment” has a different definition within the Dark Realms, unspeakable so to many.

The experiences within the Dark Realms also range across a rating. They too have their G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 type ratings of experience as well. If one is new to the Dark Realms, many Dark Lords do not want to scare you away too soon. It is the slow introduction that produces an avid participant. They want participants. Participants can be conditioned. This is the ways of the Dark Lords. A friend they portray themselves as at first.

A G-rated introduction to a Chaos experience itself can range from the subtle to the gross. However, knowing the participant, the experience can be augmented in a customized fashion to bring about the optimal results the Dark Lord is pursuing. Chaos is Chaos, no matter its intensity or form. “That wasn’t bad, was it?” they might say. What would they say after an NC-17 rated Chaos experience is administered? The answer to this question is why precautionary measures, boundaries, and access clearances exist throughout much of infinity.

“I can provide you with a custom tailored experience of your desire,” a Dark Lord may advertise, like a service. Little does the customer know the added spices a Dark Lord likes to throw into the mix. If your lucky, once the tailored experience is complete, you are free to go about your way.

Some Dark Lords are not so service oriented. They require an agreement, or period of service time on the participants part in exchange for something. This type of Chaos experience usually involves being in service to the Dark Lord and their family in some way, shape, or form. The contract involved, once completed, can involve some sort of privilege within that Dark Realm or the associated Dark Lord family. Usually, the participant is free to go afterwards.

Not all Dark Lords are as favorable as the above mentioned. There are some deeply Chaotic. Usually encountering these types means being trapped within their Dark Realm. There is no agreement, only their desire and their ownership of you. It is akin to kidnapping in the worst possible way. Not for your better good. For their better good. “Good” having a Chaos definition. A friend to a Dark Lord of this type is more representative of a toy or a slave object. Not a good thing at all.

Despite these few examples of Dark Lords and their Dark Realms, the truth is that the examples are too numerous to describe. They range from the subtle to the ultra gross. The reason all of this is being explained is there are some results that transpire out of these Dark Lords and Dark Realms that actually end up being truly good. Let me explain.

There is the Dark Realm, the Dark Lord, and the Participant. Dark Lords are also of a hierarchical nature. Dark Lords can create Dark Realms and/or create Chaos experiences. There are many ranks involved. A Participant may also enter those ranks of a Dark nature. There are many levels of Dark Realms and Dark Lords, just like Realms of Light and Lords of Light. They work nearly the same, except for one major difference. One is good, one is evil. One is love, one is fear. A Dark Lord disguised as a Lord of Light, that’s an option within Chaos too. How about a Lord of Light not knowing they are a participant of Chaos within a Dark Lord’s realm. There is many variations of Chaos.

Even Dark Lords become overtaken by other Dark Lords, becoming a forced participant in a Chaos Realm they did not choose or desire to be a part of. What is the opinion of Light concerning that problem? Who steps in concerning those violations? This is where the affairs of Creation come from a Higher Order.

Between Light and Dark, there exists Grey, or Silver if you like. The Grey Zone. It is not the luster of the color Gold, or the coal that wears the color Black. It is the shimmer in between, the Grey fog, the Silver, the beard of aged wisdom worn that oversees it all. The spectrum Custodian in the Realms of Grey bring it all. From there a foot draws a line in the sand.

For overseeing it all, a Game Master sits. God, the son, has his Participants as well, Custodians of all of Creation itself. His Custodians are the Dark Lords too who find themselves crying for help anew. God sends his agents to intervene, to give a choice, to show the in between. For even a Dark Lord can get tired of its game, especially when another steals their fame. Another way is shown and out of Chaos a noble is born. For God has many friends, ones willing to step up and defend.

You see, even a Dark Lord can have a family. What do they do when Chaos overtakes their family tree? Is Love to let the greater evil consume them both, or provide an experience via another boat? An Ark arrives to bring them out and agents begin the dismantling about. For a Realm created can be put away and its inhabitants brought another way.

The White Bearded Mage is he. God, the everlasting, all are friends, you see. Because behind the cloud he sits upon, his mother and father ride along. And, behind them yet, lie Gramps and Granny. Multiplied into infinity, the cloud riders of old smile as far as the eye can see. A lineage unknown his smile represents. What lies behind him is his story of eternity before him. He denies no one their eternal place which was already a part of his family in the first place.

A former Dark Lord becomes an ambassador, a translator, a communicator, a bridge, even a healer of Chaos sufferers. The ranks of the Realms of Grey, the Cloud Riders, are many. The Game Masters they are, The Angelics, The Cross Bearers, The Lords of Time. There is much to do and much has been done. Across infinity’s scale, there lies a boundary like an hourglass. The Container Creators they are. The Custodians of the Containers they are. The Container Dismantlers they are. The number of Containers Overseen, unfathomable to the human consciousness. What Containers is God not aware of? None. How? He has a family behind him that spans into infinity. As above, so below.

God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God above God…..∞

Cloud Riders