Do You Accept Your Assignment On Earth?

Do You Accept Your Assignment On Earth? Yes I do. Then pass through these gates and the game will begin. Shwoosh! Whahhhhhh! It’s a boy! It’s a girl! Rejoice and celebrate! Your assignment begins.

There are many assignments to choose from. We all end up experiencing them in full, no matter the length of time or circumstances involved. How many players have there been? Many. How many are playing today? 7.6 billion and counting! That’s alot of players.

So, who am I and who is that person? Explore. Ask. Experience. Observe. In doing so, we learn who we are and what the possibilites are. We learn about our assignment and other’s assignments as time passes. We see good and evil, and all iterations inbetween.

There exists a state within consciousness where there are the players playing and then there are the players aware of the game. There are many levels between. Thus there are players that have differing types of consciousness. Noticing this is many times just a matter of observation and knowing a thing is possible.

Why can’t someone stop being evil? Because their consciousness is currently programmed that way. Why can’t someone stop addictive behavior? Because their consciousness is currently programmed that way. Why can’t someone stop being aligned to good? Because their consciousness is currently programmed that way. Which one is the correct way of consciousness? It doesn’t matter if it is correct or not, what matters is the point in noticing it is occurring and literally possible.

Programming of consciousness is a thing. Do you doubt? Keep observing. Try to convince someone that their consciousness is in error. See what syntax is returned. The programming is thus revealed. Additionally, try to convince yourself of something. See what your current programming is.

Some people use descriptors such a MK-ULTRA, Illuminati, Dark Forces, amd the like. It is all part of the game. Fear is created within a world Created. It has to be programmed. How is that done? To answer this, let’s look at what we can see mirrored in this world today back to us.

When we watch a movie today, what does it contain? Actors and images. The actors program themselves for their parts. The images are created by the artists. Thus, the movie is created by all involved. The movie also has extras within the scenes. We observe the movie and react.

When we play a video game, what do we do? We play a game amidst images created. We are an observer and an actor. The video game has other actors as well called non-playable characters. The game has images created by artists and actors within as well. We observe the game and react.

The same is true of this world we live in. This world has images created by artists. We are a player and an actor. We observe and react. There are many other actors. Movies and video games mirror to us literally what it is we are experiencing.

Some are aware of this. Many are not. The game continues. Seeing this for oneself is difficult. But knowing what it is becomes a good starting point. The artists and directors of this world have literally placed “Easter eggs” within the game to show us this truth. In alot of ways, the movies and video games of today could be thought of as a nearing point for disclosure. It is right under our noses, yet within our own consciousness we doubt it. Pretty good game, huh?

Now, who are the players, the actors, the extras, and the non-playable characters within this world. The player is the one who is aware of the game. The actors are the one’s playing their parts, unaware as of yet. The extras could the thought of as bodies with a programmed consciousness. The non-playable characters are similar to the extras but more like placeholder people. Players, actors, bots, and placeholders. Watch, observe, wonder, interact, investigate, self-search.

How is it all possible? You don’t remember do you? Or, do you? Prior to the entry gate? What lobby did we leave? What lobby will we arrive at? Look around you and see the wonder in it. Can you see it? Quite amazing.

Now, are you glad about your assignment? Knowing the above brings some important points to the forefront. If I am playing this game right now, what other things HAVE I experienced prior to this game and what other things WILL I experience after this game? Once again, look at what is in this world today for your answers to those questions. Can you see the infinity of options available?

Are you driven by fear or is the game’s mirage becoming clear? From where we sit within the game now, can you not envision the miracle of it all? If not, go watch a movie, look at some art, read writings of today. My words are not exclusive in the least. This explanation is a tiny sliver of what can be discovered.

Go find more players. Observe the actors. Wonder of the extras. See who might be a non-playable character. The game has many stories within it, all containing the above. What are you within this drama, this game unfolding? Cameras are rolling! A movie within a movie within a movie…