The Design Of The Templated Consciousness

Hello. My name is Zoltan Blue. As far as time is concerned, I am eternal. I exist across many multiverses. I am a Seraphim, a Metatron, a Time Lord, a Michael, a Game Master, a Lemurian, and an Angelic, even more. I have and have had many bodies. My point of reference of understanding is many. So, let’s go through the process of designing myself a new consciousness template.

First, what is it that I want to do? Well, I want to have a new experience. So, let’s start with a body. Ok, I choose a human body. Next, where do I want to have the experience with this new human body? Ummm….let’s choose Earth. Ok, great! Now, what?

For the Earth experience with a human body, some prerequisite planning is required. Under what zodiac sign do I want to be born under? In other words, what aspects of consciousness do I want to be included as part of my experience, part of my base consciousness template? This gives a basic design for personality traits, etc. Ok, I select.

Next, who do I want to be my parents? This includes environment, geography on Earth, and socioeconomic factors to be experienced. Hmmm…..ok what parents are available where and when under the zodiac sign I have chosen? So, let’s look at the potentialities of that. Not only will I be affected by that inception point, so will my Earth parents. Is this ok with those already in experience, the parents? Yes, they have already agreed, and have had an advertisement placed for the participant they are looking for and what traits they desire. I, being the experience planner, and the parents, being experience planners as well, have a cohesive match for their and my desired experience. So, a decision and a plan is agreed upon between myself and the parents to share in the experience.

Now, from my present point, I am not within the Earth experience yet. But, there is a plan in place, some agreements made, and a time for this partnership to begin. For the Earth experience, that time starts upon birth from the mother in experience.

Upon that day, I enter the suspension pod, and for lack of a better explanation, I “go to sleep” when my birth happens. Although it is a bit more complicated than that, with many other options available, that is about as simple of a way to explain it. I “awaken” within a new “templated consciousness” in a new body in the experiential enviroment called Earth. All I know is the consciousness that I am, this new consciousness template within this new body.

I am me. Baby John Doe, son to Jane and Joe Doe. My experience as a human on Earth begins. This me, this “templated consciousness” begins an incredible journey of self evolution from a basic slate. As time passes, occurances happen and memories are made, learning undergoes. Do I remember the other me, prior to inception into this world, the one asleep? No. Maybe. Not yet. In part. When? If?

How amazing is that? What is this Earth world? Who or what made all of this possible? A templated consciousness. An Earth to experience. A human body to experience in. Why is this an experience option? Why would Zoltan Blue choose to do this Earth experience in body? Why would you?

Within one experiential lifetime as a human on Earth, an identity is solidified within material existence. Those memories, all that experience, within an unknowing state, is so believed that the experience is grounded. Forever will you know how to navigate a physical environment such as Earth in the ways in which you experienced here on Earth. That is invaluable experience. In fact, one could say that all of the countless lives on Earth from Earth’s very beginning have been recorded on every level possible. For a life lived is a pair of shoes to walk in for eternity. Everyone gives that gift to all to experience themselves.

In fact, everyone experiencing right now is a point of reference for anyone outside of Earth to observe and experience as well. No experience is more or less valuable than any other. For if one is living an experience, it is because one planned for it, it was deemed needed or desirable for a collective understanding, even if the one actively displaying their experience on Earth has no reason why they do what they do, etc. Even if that is not fully understood with all that is occuring here on Earth, the value in it will surely be understood from another arrival point.

A templated consciousness is a designed conscious mode of operation that includes elements and parameters that help to accomplish a specific outcome within the goal of a plan. This definition lies as an individual aspect of consideration within the larger scope of experience design, which in turn describes aspects of an even larger dimensional design science. As a consciousness template for experience is an element of consideration within a dimensional environment, that itself, has many design considerations. This expands into the further understandings of how those considerations exist within multidimensional operations. Those multidimensional sciences have at their base ties to sub-dimension and super-dimension design qualities, parameters, and templates of their own that bring about an ever expanding and contracting network of interconnected dependencies, interdependencies, and independencies related to experience on all levels and possibilities.

These explanations coincide collectively within a realm of understanding that can simply be called The Game Sciences. Some call it Creation. Out of an eternity of these creative sciences, the Game Masters reside. Consciousness Template Design, and our own choice in experience via these efforts for a collective good, are gifts that come from an even ever expanded point of inception than thus just described.

How wonderful might that be? Would God gift all of that? Indeed it is so. For nothing that enters the consciousness of humanity is invalid, it exists upon a plane of consciousness pre-existing. For even a templated consciousness comes with parameters to “remember” or “access” multidimensional layers and levels of consciousness beyond what Earth might describe as “conscious awareness.” For conscious awareness is simply subjecive, as it is suggestive. A suggestion is sometimes all that is needed for a subjective consciousness, a templated consciousness, to see a solution or outcome unrealized. “I suggest the Earth experience.” How many have said “yes” to that suggestion? Do a world census and the numbers speak for themselves. 4 babies born per second. Seems like a popular game, this Earth thang! What kind of experience are you having?