The Paradox Of Hindsight

“What was I thinking?” Who has ever said that in hindsight? A choice, a verbalization, an action, it all starts with a thought. As we look at those situations of the past in this life, it becomes apparent that learning comes in hindsight.

What do we believe? What has our attention? What is it that we feel or know we must do? What do we cling to, what do we desire? What are the why’s behind all of these questions?

A major point of contention to recognize about our own hindsight is the identification of the mechanics occuring within our own consciousness. At one point in time we may believe we need a certain person. Then, at another point in time we believe that we do not need that person. Which is truth? Do we need the person or do we not need the person? Regardless of the answer, the truth is both states of belief existed within our consciousness. How does that happen?

Have you ever tried to have NO THOUGHT? If you can do it, hold that state of being continuously for as long as you can. Now, notice when a thought enters your mind and grab it that instant and look at it, examine it. Where did it come from? If you were able to have no thought, how did that thought arise within your consciousness?

Now, take that thought while examining it and put it through a simple test. Is that thought positive or negative? Does it seem good or evil? That is a point to examine as an exercise in identification of source within consciousness. Once a source can be identified and differentiated, it can be recognized in an instant. This is the beginnings to one’s own process of consciousness deconstruction. It is a simple process, yet the paradox of recognition is so masked by the external distraction. It takes hindsight experience, over and over, as hints to elude one to this mystery, or better stated, this functioning mechanism.

It is from that beginning recognition that doubt can be set aside for a momentary examination of a new concept to accept within one’s own consciousness. There is a source for all thought, sources actually, that can be shut off in an instant. If thought can be paused, what does that say about one’s own consciousness? In hindsight, it can be recognized, that at least in part, some thoughts are not our own. They have to be introduced into our consciousness from an extetnal source. It could be akin to receiving via a wifi connection, for example.

As difficult as it is to even begin to entertain, recognize, and ultimately accept and utilize as a tool for seeing TRUTH, it can be done. There are those out there who know this TRUTH for themselves and sit with that knowing within their own consciousness. The paradox arises when one takes it upon themselves to attempt the explanation of such a mechanism within consciousness.

One cannot understand it any better than a mechanism or technology beyond our present highest echelon of scientific thought. Science fiction writers may be our best cue in that department. That statement alone is a point of recognition of hindsight in its own right as history has shown why. What can be imagined, or documented via a source received via consciousness, ultimately many times becomes manifested into our reality. And so, SOURCE, as a “spiritual,” or unexplained, concept, is thus defined and can be understood in basicality.

We all are the culmination of outside influences beginning at birth. From a blank slate, the receiving begins. From parents and family, to imaginary friends, it starts. Friends and peers, the pressure begins. Educators and employers. Political and societal influences. Now STOP, and turn your back to all of that for a moment. What thoughts do you have? It becomes a mishmash to the point that the recognition of internal reception becomes indistinguishable. And so we find ourselves within the loop of hindsight. “Oh my, what was I thinking?”

It is a crush to the ego. The denial the ego speaks to us. Listen to that voice. What does it say? “This cannot be. This is a bunch of crap. I’m in control, nothing else.” Ah ha! The negativity internal begins to speak to protect its grip upon the consciousness within. But is that speak truly you or does that thought come from another source? Cut it off with silence in mind and see. Challenge its authority and inquire of its mirrored source, the positive one of truth. Listen long enough to either/or and discover the middle ground where the true you sits. That sitting point commands the silent space, the receiving point, the echo chamber. That is your domain within your own consciousness frame. You could say you are the mainframe. Put up a firewall and reduce to zero CPU cycles. That translates to silence within.

Who is that whispering in my ear? My ears are in the mind as well. Put some cotton in those “ears” and see what happens. The discovery to follow is an action against doubt’s distraction. No one has to know but you. In reality, no one will know but you, as it is an internal affair. Fight with a friend or fight within, the confrontation is the same. Protect your sovereign right. Eventually the chatter stops, the lies are recognized, and the knowing of silence is golden is self gifted. It is there that access to SOURCE is finally recognized.

A computer with a virus wreaks havoc. Virus detection is needed. Once recognized, removal and quarantine can proceed. Future recognition becomes inherent. A firewall filters the incoming and outbound. What sits at the core of it all is the CPU. Knowing one is the CPU of the entire system, all system processes can simply be brought to ZERO. No movement occurs. Yet somehow a consciousness overshadows the system. For even in ZERO state an awareness is known. That awareness, that overshadowing consciousness, at ZERO, is YOU! From there the true discovery begins anew. In hindsight, all of the above I DREW. You can too.

Why is this recognition important in a world such a Earth? For what we forget is whence we came. To be placed within a world is to remember again. If another world we go to in a future unknown, practice makes perfect, the illusion, we own. Just as a world can be created to experience within, a consciousness too can be augmented again. We do it once, twice, a thousand times more, our consciousness within can forever hold. For moments of pain in life can be brought. Its there that this teaching in hindsight is brought. Fear not the illusion inside or out. Our destiny is always to be brought rightforth out.