Sifting Through The Illuminati, MK-Ultra, Simulation Cloning, And Other Dark Agendas

Today there is alot of fear concerning certain concepts of reality of a multidimensional characteristic. The Illuminati, MK-Ultra, Simulation Cloning, Holographic systems, and Dark Agendas are but a few of the topics of information being released and discussed by many. None of this is to be discounted nor feared. It can be feared and it can be discounted, however. Also, it can be accepted and acknowledged. How can this be? To be feared and not be feared. To be accepted and not accepted. The answer is as multidimensional as are the subjects.

There are people that are bringing these messages to the public. Listen carefully as many are of a first hand account. No matter what anyone believes, it is occurring. Observe the explanations and listen. Let’s make things extremely simple. Let’s just call these topics as of a Dark Agenda.

No matter what is discussed, computer simulation, control systems, fallen agendas, the Illuminati, it doesn’t matter what it is, where is it coming from? Either from a subjective experience, or from some reception via consciousness. The scariest part is that we can actually see evidence of all of this in our world arena today. Control systems, advanced technologies, alien agendas, masquerading beings of light, dark forces, all of it, no matter the stretch of the imagination, it is all true.

Now, where does that leave us? First off, a short description of the nature of multidimensional realms and possibilities is in order. No matter the dimension or its inhabitants, good or evil, they all reside due to a couple facts. Their worlds of creation, no matter if they overlay our Earth, or exist separate from ours have a few commonalities as does our Earth dimension. Many of these so called Dark beings and dimensions also reside under some sort of illusion or anmesia themselves, just like many of us on Earth. All they know is what they are doing as far as their awareness allows them. In many ways they don’t know what they are doing anymore than we do. They too lie within a bubble of their own knowing.

Now, some of the reasons why certain people on this planet have had first hand experience or are receiving conscious information about these Dark beings, agendas, and their associated dimensions of being is because these individuals are either tuned into such reception or it is literally a part of their life roles to have had these direct experiences. Another reason is what some might consider memory of such possibilities. It doesn’t matter which one it is, the fact that it is being discussed is a point of proof of its existence. The real deal. Real possibilities. Real events and characters happening as we speak. No mistakes about it.

However, what needs to be discussed is the existence of another group of beings. It’s actually a very large group with multiple different roles and responsibilities. Across the myriads of dimensions of experience and alignments, what goes unbenounced to many of their inhabitants is their own illusion of who they are and what they can actually do. Dramas do play out, but what we forget, by design, is our inception prior to entry into these dimensions. Like layers of an onion many are experiencing across many ticks of polarity, across many dimensions. All of these experiences are looked after and monitored by a series of beings in ultimate charge of the welfare of all doing it. These beings were known as The Watchers here on Earth.

They’re known by many names across many dimensions. They are known by some as the Electric Ones. By others, they are known as Time Lords. By others yet, Michaels. By others still, The Game Masters. In actuality, they all come from the same family, known by some as the Ancient Ones. By all respect and understanding, they are The Winged Ones, the Angelics, even by some known as the Titans of Old. They have many names, names that span aeons before even Earth began. They represent a very large family of Creator Beings responsible for Creation as we know it. Within their ranks and family is a brotherhood and sisterhood of Creation unknown.

Now, many of these beings from this overseeing sphere of reality serve many times unknown without identity. They either embody or monitor and intervene when needed at their dimensional post of service across the entire infinite spanse of the multiverses. One can think of many of them as agents from an originating office of ultimate authority. They are here on Earth too.

These being know all and see all. Even beings of a Dark nature who can move about undetected think that they are traversing freely. The truth of the matter is that these Dark beings believe that their methods and technologies that are superior to their targets perceptions gives them exclusive evasiveness. This could not be further from the truth. They are being watched. And, unbenounced by many of us, being dismantled, quarantined, apprehended, and escorted out of their spheres of operation, at a minimum placed inert, stripped of any power. They know who is Dark and they want all to know they are watching. They are here. Their presence is and always has been established. They are of God.

Agents of this Angelic origin will incarnate into a world and remain unknown. However, when an agent awakens within a life, the dark forces detect this energy signature pretty quickly and the agent incarnated becomes a target. In the ensuing attack that follows, something amazing occurs. Amidst frequencies of dimension unknown to even the dark forces, additional agents will move into action to battle, subdue, and dismantle the dark group involved.

It happens many times without any detection by most inhabitants of the said world. The battle occurs most quitely without notice by many. It happens on levels of dimension many of us just do not understand. It is done this way because most inhabitants would not be able to handle the mental and emotional involvement that is required for such a witnessing. In a way, this is done as a lure. The Dark forces do not want anything to threaten their agendas. An Angelic Agent, no matter the name used, is not thought of kindly. A party crasher for sure. The pursuit is not friendly by the Dark. Their own Dark nature cannot resist the opportunity to engage an Angelic Agent, most often out of their own disbelief.

This is important to know because it is not just about the Dark play occurring. There is another group who has a higher say in the matter of all things. Their mission is the sovereignty of all life. They stand among the Ancient Ones. They simply stand with God. When the Electric Ones show up to a fight, everyone takes notice. They draw the line in the sand everywhere.

So, with that said, Dark agendas, they do have their play. However, they are watched closely. Do not think that any descriptor of any technology or Dark process has its exclusive right of power. The very elements that make their Dark processess and themselves work lie within the pocket of an Agent of the Ancients. This is truth too. God has a posse of unlimited magnitude.

One intersting note of interest to close with. Do you think an Angelic Agent of Creation infiltrating a Dark realm, literally inserting themselves under disguise, is a possibility? As possible as a human on Earth discussing the Dark agenda. Believe in sovereignty.
