A Deviation From The Norm

Let me tell a story of old from fable’s source be known.

Paul Bunyan has a realm, a world all his own. His world is filled with natural resources abound. Wood and rock does give builders the lot. Waters from springs, rivers, lakes, and streams gives life to all in his wooded lawn. His people are the craftsmen of old. Known they are for the ornate of life. The woodworkers, the metalugists, the jewelers, the wreath makers, the basket weavers, the loggers, the miners, and the foragers. All is provided in his world of bounty. However, there existed a problem at one time, a problem surmounting.

His people, the craftsmen, did have a complaint. Their wares they did barter amongst each other. For one day there came a terrible dismay, it was gold that was squandered, held back from due barter. How can this be, this withholding we see? It’s not fair, there’s no care, the miner’s lot that we see.

And so all of his people began to argue with each other. The things that they’d barter turned to currency from squander. The sight was perplexing to Bunyun, you see. For all the resources he gave to his people with ease. But the miner’s efforts seemed the better of the lot, so gold’s hording began without much inquiry or thought.

Without much delay, Bunyon saw Light’s true way. His solution was sound as gold comes from the ground. So he ended all the squalor with a smile of ease. He made his waterways dig gold and flow it with ease. For it’s not the gold that has worth, but the hands that do carry it. The same goes for wood, rock, mud, or reed. It’s the heart that does make the beauty to see.

For life is the true value, the currency to behold. Give it much to apply a heart to and miracles unfold. The music box, the rocking chair, the bed frame, the lamp, and the wedding band. All came from crafters in Paul Bunyon’s land.

It is not the marketing of wares, but the resources to be makers, that makes us all. Provide the resources without hording and everyone thrives. A simple lesson forgotten.