An Exercise In Faith

To bring oneself within the realm of spirit, one must detach from the material.  Within this world there is a myriad of distractions that present themselves to us that bring about a stagnation of awareness.  Look at enough trees, all one will see is the trees.  Look at no trees, one will never see the forest.

We may call ourselves aware with the knowledge of the distractions of the material world, but is it awareness?  Be it academic, polictical, social, entertainment, or any other endeavor that we preoccupy our time with, is it true awareness?  What about the awareness we are unaware of?  How is that to be experienced?

To detach one’s consciousness from the distractions we have been indoctrinated in within this physical realm requires an act of faith.  An exercise is required.  Spending time doing nothing in stillness is all that is needed to begin.  Stillness of body, mind, and emotion.  The vibrations of those three aspects of ourselves can many times overshadow the awareness we have of our true spiritual nature.

What we are and who we are is really a point of breaking from a mold.  We are molded.  When we spend time unmolding, we allow ourselves to be free to tap into something more than what this world dictates and measures as what defines our identity.  They call it meditation.  Could it be as simple as attempting a moment of unbeing?

Faith is believing in something without knowing for certain.  To try with faith, to have good faith, for the faith in possibilities.  To close one’s eyes, silent a mind, and unfeel.  Why?  Do we not live to sense, know, and feel?  What of the opposite?  Is it not logical to do so?  Unknow.  Is it not heartfelt to have emotion?  Unfeel.  Is it not sight and sense that educates?  Unplug.

For the external is but one side to a two way mirror.  Our sense nature is bidirectional.  If all of our time is spent receiving from one side of a mirror, do we not limit ourselves?  Do we even know there is limitation in that?  If we have faith in an inner resource, is it worth the time investigating?  Is it possible?  Turn around 180 degrees and see for yourself.

With a heart within a chest do we feel.  With a mind within a skull do we know.  With lungs behind ribs do we bring in breath.  Awareness is no different.  Look out.  Now, look in.  Sense, feel, and know the mirror opposite.  Faith originates there.