How To Notice The Hologram

Knowing one is within a hologram can be a distressing concept to contemplate. However, the more important realization is that we all are in good hands. It may not seem so, but, it is so. So let’s keep that stance at the forefront of this discussion.

How does one notice the hologram? For one, knowing a creation and a hologram are synonymous. One could make a list of synonymous words in association to hologram. We are using hologram in this discussion to illustrate a point. We could use creation, but we are trying to look at this world from a different, yet synonymous viewpoint.

The first step is acknowledgement of the holographic possibility. From this point we strive to recognize that possibility through experiential evidence personal within our own conscious awareness. If we have no experiential evidence we have personally witnessed or directly experienced, then we are left only with contemplation of a possibility. We each personally need some sort of evidence to fuel our belief in that possibility. Seeing, feeling, and knowing are solidifiers in that believe. As they say, seeing is believing.

So, it helps to have some guidance. There are many living on Earth today whose role it is to provide that guidance. How to filter through all of those sources to the truth of our present existence on this planet? How can we know who is saying what is real and what is not real? The possibility could be that even those who are within a hologram providing guidance could possibly be under some sort of holographic control themselves. So, how in this world can we each find truth for ourselves?

The allure of knowing spans the physical, the material, and even the spiritual. To be a guru is in and of itself an allure that many, even the gurus themselves, are simply not even aware of. However, good does come out it no matter the subtleties of possible holographic influence. Each has their role, so to speak, of which each is aware and unaware, quite possibly all at the same time.

So, how does one know for themselves? Is that even a possibility? Are we destined to be at the dependence of a guru for guidance? The answer is yes and no. I will illustrate.

Have you ever looked at someone’s behavior and actions and asked “What are they thinking?” Have you ever asked yourself “What was I thinking?” How about “What am I thinking” now? Many say we have free will, but yet at times it seems we don’t as we notice in others, and even in ourselves, a disparity in our own control of our own actions and behaviors at times, even our thoughts and feelings. How can that be? Are we all not in control of ourselves? Are not others in control of themselves? It seems sometimes yes, other times no. That is worth recognizing.

The above described can leave people baffled. It is ok. Now it is noteworthy. At one point in time we will know or feel something. Later, in hindsight, we will know that “something” was not what we thought or felt it to be. And so, that pattern continues all our life. We are right, we are wrong. We were right, we were wrong. What is the truth then? How do we know it?

One of the most difficult, yet easiest things to do, is to stop thinking, stop feeling, and stop doing. Just stop. This is called meditation. I like to think of it as pressing the pause button or shutting off the lawn mower. We stop to rest. It is there that truth comes forward.

One truth, or holographic reality, is that this world is constantly moving in all affairs. When one stops internally and becomes an observer, a shift takes place. When our senses are not engaged and participating with the surrounding spectacle, we are given an opportunity to observe from a new vista point. That vista point is our internal consciousness landscape.

No guru can traverse that landscape for you. They may be able to point or provide some guidance, but from a holographic point of view, guidance comes internally, not externally. Read 100 books on such subjects and tell me if you are knowing of truth? Is it the books giving you truth or your own internal guidance system? Like a book, what we “read” within our own consciousness is ever more so a fact finding mission than even 1,000,000 books could provide here on Earth. Could a hologram be that powerful?

A library is probably one of the most precious items that humanity has constructed. The value people feel for that has already been shown across history. However, even if tomorrow, all books disappeared, would all be lost? How is it that knowledge and wisdom came about to begin with? Would human intuition and inspiration be lost within a holographic reality? The old hermit in the woods would say otherwise.

For even in the most dismal states, somehow humanity has time and time again overcame its own limitations of the moment. For even the knowing of a holographic nature of reality is a point in time of discovery, just as the cultivation of crops and its benefits. How does knowing, feeling, and believing our Earth reality is of a holographic nature aid us with benefits? It allows us an opportunity to see beyond our own limitations and observe the benefits contained thereof.

How to notice the hologram? Become the observer. Look at what you can’t see. Go inward instead of outward. Feel your inner being. Have a conversation with your own consciousness. Be silent and unknow. Meditation is an action of no action, a knowing of unknowing, a feeling of unfeeling. Eye mask, ear plugs, comfortable position. Time and patience.

Observe others. Abandon intoxication. Set aside time for meditation. Place yourself within nature. Ask who you are. Help others. Acknowledge the subtle. Ask for help within. Ask why of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Observe self, others, and all around you. Be patient and take your time. Know that what you know is now and may be something else another time.

If you doubt the possibility of this reality being a hologram, ask yourself why couldn’t it be a hologram? The very stars known of many years gone past are known today as galaxies. In our milky way galaxy alone, there are at least 38 billion suns like our own, with potential planets orbiting around them like our solar system. In addition to our milky way galaxy, scientists know today there are at least 100 billion galaxies in our known universe that we are aware of. Yet, here we sit, on one planet, just humanity and all life upon earth. Are we alone? Who might know something about creating holograms? Could it be a multiholographic universe we live in? Holograph or not, it sure is an incredible creation. So are we. Is a hologram we be?