Pendulum Telekinesis, The Factors Of Light, And Spirit Communication

When we think about what is possible today, there are many examples to show us truly that there is more to life on Earth and beyond that any of us can fully know.  Yet, with all that is being communicated today, you can find stories, images, writings, and video showing us the unexplained.  Along with that are many searching for that unexplained within themselves as well.  There are people talking about their experiences with God, astral travel, aliens, esoterics, ascended masters, ascension, spiritual healing modalities, illuminati, conspiracy theories, dimensional awareness, quantum possibilities, and so much more.  There is much to explain of the unexplained.

One recurring theme is energy.  Some call it Light, the soul, the light body, the etheric grids, spiritual rays, and the list goes on.  Something that is tied into all of that is consciousness.  All of these people talking about all of these subjects have these knowings and experiences within their own consciousness.  The most amazing thing is that there is not a sole person involved in any of these occurences.  There are others involved in or doing the same thing, no matter how strange it may seem to one, or relative to another.

Let’s talk about the pendulum for a moment.  Go to youtube and search for pendulum and you’ll see people showing you how to communicate with “spirit” via a pendulum.  Setting aside all other methods of spirit communication, how is this done?  From a string, a weight hangs, you hold it still, ask questions, and depending upon the direction or reaction of the pendulum, you can receive an answer.  Within the energy around us, it is said that there are beings that exist that can manipulate objects in this world, beings existing outside of our physical perception.  So, the pendulum has been used as a medium for communication for a long time.  Today, that still holds true.  Go watch some videos.

Now, if everything is energy, and these beings are energy as well, would it not be the same as us humans?  Many say it is so.  The hindus and the chakra system.  The idea of the soul.  The light body mentioned in esoterism.  Anyone can find an explanation covering that concept.  So, if a consciousness outside of our normal perception can cause a pendulum to move to provide an answer to our question, why would our consciousness not be able to do the same thing, move a pendulum?  Would that be considered telekinesis?  Would that be so far fetched?  What would that mean for all of us?

Here’s where things get really interesting.  Today we live in an age where many have been discussing the idea of human evolution being a reality today.  What does that mean?  Our technological advancements have increased in an exponential fashion.  Why would the idea of human evolution not be in a process synonymous?  Some refer to it as the process of ascension, one that involves the entire Earth.  Now, before dismissing the idea, consider this.  If a quantum physicist within the scientific realm is discussing the idea of our reality being something other than what we ever thought of it, among many other unexplained acceptings among the most unlikely (Jim Carrey), why would anything else not be possible?  Only our own unknowing lies as the denier source for such beliefs.

Now if someone believes they are receiving communication from a pendulum via a spirit entity, how do they know if it is not their own consciousness causing the movements of said pendulum?  Is it the spirit causing the movement, or their own consciousness?  Either would be quite spectacular.  What would happen if both were the case?  What would that mean?  An energetic being causing physical objects to move along side a human being causing physical objects to move via merely consciousness, or possibly more accurately, via energy.  Could that be possible?

Before this occurrence happened to me in my physical life, I did not even know it was possible.  I had never even experienced spirit moving a pendulum.  The only thing I was aware of was my own ability to consciously move a pendulum with thought, or conscious energy.  It started simply as a test of my chakras in my hands.  The unexpected happened, quite peculiarly.  Over a period of three years, I repeated this activity observing it over and over.  I finally got up the nerve to shoot a video in 2014 and it was only because of another youtuber showing the same thing.  I was not alone.  So, I shot a second video at the beginning of 2017.

The motivation of the video was to show others there is a peculiar thing happening to humans and that I was not the only one.  I’ve met others since who can do the same thing.  However, I was so ensconced in the subject of the possibility of the evolving lightbody manifesting conscious telekinesis I never thought of spirit interaction at all.  Spirit, energy, angels, demons, et’s, whatever you wanna call it, it happened.  There is nothing to fear.  At about 3:10, you’ll see what I mean.  No camera tricks, no special effects, no editing, it all happened in real time.  I was quite shocked in the moment, I had a hard time holding still.  I knew what was happening, but it still caught me off guard.  This is my first written explanation.

So, I say to all those using pendulums for spirit communication, have you ever just tried to tell it to move a certain direction yourself?  If you have not, I strongly urge to you to give it a whirl.  I have shown others and they themselves have repeated the same, so it is not exclusive to me or anyone.  It is something anyone can do.  In fact, I ask anyone skeptical to try it.  In the video, I use plastic mardi gras beads as the string and a washer made of non-magnetic material (a magnet can’t pick it up).  Hold it really still so it doesn’t move, and just look at it and tell it to move a certain way (clockwise, counter-clockwise, side to side, and forward and backward).  Try it yourself, I’d love to hear from you and your story of your results.  Others have told me of their same results when trying.  I have witnessed others doing it their first time before me as well.  Contact page is in the menu.  The video speaks for itself.  Imagine what we are capable of outside of this world!  What are we capable of today, or will be tomorrow?  Enjoy!