The Meaning Of The Peace Sign From A Multidimensional Creational Point Of View

The Peace Sign.  What does it mean?  It was originally created by a man during a time when nuclear disarmament was at the forefront of its beginnings.  That theme alone is a mirror in this world.  From inspiration that enters a human’s consciousness, a thought, a symbol, is created, and thus manifestation occurs.  But where did that symbol and its ideologies attached to it come from?  Nevertheless, it has existed within our collective consciousness for a while now.

To us within, viewing this world, the peace symbol has meaning.  Alone, it brings to mind peace.  The reasons why peace is important is because of the experiences we have had with iterations of devastation and destruction.  The ultimate, by the hand of man, would be nuclear decimation.  What other forms of devastation and destruction can you think of in this Earth world?  It happens on a large, smaller, and individual level.  One could say a more subtle form of decimation is contempt.  It has its manifestations across a broad spectrum from the subtle to the ultragross.  From contempt to nuclear annihilation, peace has its meanings.

If that concept is contained within this Earth world we are now experiencing, can you imagine how that concept might be experienced within the rest of the unknown multiverse, one of an unlimited nature?  Light has its increasing iterations.  Dark has its increasing iterations.  Can you image a place where the magnitude of manifestations of Light and Dark cross a line that no longer include Peace?  What iterations of the Dark have utilized Light for their agenda?  What iterations of the Light have utilized Dark for their agenda?  There exists a tipping point in which either polarity enters a realm of unbeknowing in magnification.  You might say that a realm of intolerance is created and the waters mix.  The opposite end of that increasing magnification, one of an unspeakable nature, is where peace and tolerance lie.  It is the difference between chaos and balance.

We can see examples of this in this Earth world we live in.  We are lucky in that this created world exists to teach us these simple principles.  The principles of allowing within boundaries is so crucial within a learning environment.  When boundaries do not exist, damage takes place.  How to fix damage created from chaos, from intolerance, and from the ever increasing magnifications of unbeknowing iterations of Light and Dark?  This is where the concept of a “Creator Being” comes into play.

A Creator Being can be thought of as consciousness that has experienced and learned many lessons, and thus, has undergone many trials and learnings to assume many iterations of responsibilities that span the infinite.  The reality is that anyone who is living a life here on Earth is in some way, shape, or form, a Creator Being in training of some degree.  This is truth.  Learning lessons of crossing lines within a controlled environment, such as Earth, is a blessing, whether fully realized or not.  The reasons behind all of that are vast.  However, it does come from a place of collective understanding, knowing, and wisdom that is truly amazing and beyond even our wildest imaginations.  If it has been imagined, it just is, and there’s more.

To be given a beginning framework of any kind as to why we all might be here in the first place is a wonderful gift.  To have explanations that surround the whole idea of eternal life is a benefit that originates from man’s inspirational understanding in its most basic form.  The Peace Sign is no different.  It exists as a mirror, like this entire Earth world does.  It tells us what we know we are, and what we do not know we are.  Despite the complexities involved in communication of the understandings of our reality, it was always supposed to be simple.  It is simple, and yet complex all at the same time.  However, simplicity is all that is required.  Peace is as simple as Faith.
