Messages Of Hope

What does it mean to help another? To show them the miracle that they alone are. For within illusion a goal is seen, to remember again what it all means. To eliminate the play in the world around you is to see the miracle of standing upon and within a Creation. I am here. How did that happen? To not remember is a signpost in and of itself.

The miracle of me is the opportunity to show another the miracle of you. The miracle of you is to show the miracle to another. For a world filled with miracles unaware of the miracle is the individual’s task. A wayshower, a system translator, a hope giver, a tormentor alieviator. A hand to hold through the sudden storm. A calming voice that allows fear to show its mask removal. The illusion anatomist. The way to free oneself.

A voice within or a voice without, what truth or lies does it speak? We react to the voices external and we believe or not. We react to the voices within and we believe or not. What is truth? Silence is golden and the whisper speaks louder than the proclaiming founder. Is that a mirage? Is that a voice under direction, a direction that is only their folley to volley? What is my folley to volley? The silent mind does filter.

There is an unattainment illusion within this world. The levels of identity and the carrots on a stick of desire do move us. Who holds the stick that does dangle the carrot? Many times the stick is in their back pocket without knowledge forging ahead with others in tow. Who amidst the carrot followers do drop out of formation to scratch their head? There is something amiss here. Could you believe a life destined to see that? Take the other path and see the miracle in thee, of thee, and of all others. Observe the carrot followers, learn and see the truth. For hope is the you who knew not to follow suit. A sunset remains upon a new path turned towards.

Hope lies there because clairity is not a ware that can be bought. Clairity is hope in knowing. To have a clear mind, even without direction, is to have faith of heart that all will work out, and thus hope is born. No matter what is misunderstood is to observe a miracle in action, its ending not yet revealed. But within ourselves, we each can see an ending in a moment, the encore celebration at hand. Alone is our home of a mometary miracle. In each moment a miracle occurs.

It is the being here and opportunity of now. To do a thing, to say a word, to write a lyric, to play a chord, to look upon another, to wonder. To do it all within a world Created was a ticket given for something we could not wonder. Now we wonder. A miracle in action, each of us gifted of the asking. A body to interact within a world of play. A consciousness to witness. A consciousness to remember again.

When we remember again a new hope arises. It says we all are saved from the start. We can bring that into our now. To accept all with love. To understand the play and its mechanics. To have compassion for others on their path to rememberance. To guide, to show, to lead another freely to their own hope. The dispaired, the tormented, the less than fortunate, the utter bankless, the stumbling frankness. With nothing in tow does the soul know. With a new change in currency does the unlimited flow.

What can one leave behind that isn’t for show? A thought, a memory, a picture created, from Truth does it flow, all will eventually know. For what is already, will already still be. The Truth of the matter, we all truly are free.