A Nine Level Dimensional Design From A Multidimensional Perspective

From within multidimensionality, designs of all kinds have been implemented.  The one we experience here on Earth, is one of 9.  To keep things simple, lets look to history.  The simplest way to understand it is from the perspectives of heaven and hell, on an experiential point of view.  Nine choirs of angels.  Nine levels of hell.  In symbolic terms, what this means is virtues of Light, and virtues of Darkness.  Some call it the stairway to heaven and the gates of hell.  The Book of Enoch, the story Dante’s Inferno, and The Harrowing of Hell chronicle this.  But these are descriptive personal accounts that include much language and symbolism that is relative to the story teller.  So, how do we each understand this for ourselves?  It’s difficult, and yet easy as well.

The easiest way to think of it is as potentialities that cross thread via consciousness.  9 states of light and 9 states of darkness.  A dimensional level has its specific qualities.  Increasing light and increasing darkness, as qualities are the major focus of this dimensional design.  However, the way it is designed is that they are POTENTIALITIES, NOT ABSOLUTES.  For the most part, our experience lies at 1.  However, we may, within our consciousness, get glimpses along either spectrum, light or dark.  One could say that we have aspects of ourselves that are experiencing on either side of the spectrum, which is part of our own multidimensional nature.  This can be expressed in wonderful dreams and horrific nightmares.  Our shadow selves and our angelic selves is one example.

The biggest point to realize is fear.  When we are able to experience along a spectrum between light and dark, we receive valuable practice in a mirrors fashion of aspects that may not be comfortable to us.  These can be thought of as lessons we came here to learn and experiences we needed, even if in our own unknowing we may not know why.  Fear is always the lesson.  Its mirror is Love.  9 levels of Love.  9 levels of Fear.  All lying within a multidimensional design that gives the person within the experience time to grow in consciousness within an environment that is safe.  It may not seem like fun and games, it may seem quite horrific.  However, remember, there are expert architects behind every aspect of it.  Quite simple to just call it God.

Behind it all lies a science and technology that is beyond our understanding today, for the most part.  Behind that science and technology is a consciousness that is in control of it all.  Think of it as the technicians behind the amusement park.  That amusement park has designers and planners.  Their expertise is dimensional design and experience planning.  It is easiest to just refer to that organizational and technical rung of the ladder as the Game Masters.  For God entrusts others to assist in the affairs of the lives of others, others that lie within, outside, and inter-within the Earth dimensions.  In alot of ways, understanding has to be introduced in a gentle manner.  If there is fear attached, it does not do much good.  Fear is a good teacher.  However, when it comes to the explanations of multidimensionality, some just consider it “scary stuff.”  And that is ok.  For some, this information will resonate, for others, it will repel.  You will know which you are.

The important point to get across is that it does not have to be complicated to get a glimpse of how the world around us and the worlds beyond us operate.  For if dimensional design is a process known, not only is it reassuring to know that we do have people looking after us, but also that there are opportunities for experiencing awaiting us and forgotten.  In addition to that, outside of Earth today, there are opportunities to be involved in those organizations that specialize in multidimensional operation, design, planning, etc.  Proof of that is the very life you are living right here on Earth right now.  It is quite amazing.

In fact, if you are living a life on Earth right now, you already have a plan in place that includes, included, will include, and did include such work on some sort of level.  In some way, you yourself have already worked with and within multidimensionality outside of this Earth life you are now living.  Even if that is difficult to integrate within your consciousness in this moment, rest assured, it is merely a point forgotten.  Which is part of the reason why these articles are being written, why these images are being created.  An image says a thousand words, and words create images.  Either, or, they help open a door.  A key presents itself within symbolic form.  We all are keys for each other.