An Attack Upon Consciousness, Words Of Power Revealed

Here we all are upon Earth.  Our consciousness knows only what we believe and what is told to us.  We receive input and we know.  We listen and we know.  We observe and we know.  We feel and we know.  We know what?  Too vast, however, it is occurring, all the knowing.  Many of us suffer due to what lies within our consciousness.  The reason behind that is a combination of the currents of thought and emotion running through us due to what we currently know and feel, and via the external input we receive.  This is to be noted.  Many times we find what we believe to be attacks coming at us, either externally, or internally.  This is the topic of discussion.

Let’s set up a scenario.  Go into a room, close the door, and sit somewhere quietly, or preferably lie down, without any external stimuli.  Better yet, put some earplugs in and place a sleep mask over your eyes.  Now, you have just entered your true sphere of operation.  This is your baseline consciousness.  You have no input from your senses other than how your body feels and what can touch you, such as bedding, a chair, or the ventilation you may feel.

Now, what is happening within your consciousness?  Are your thoughts racing?  Are you calm?  Rest for a while and try to observe what enters your consciousness as if you are a third party watching.  Just be an observer.  What words are being used within, what sentences are being formed, what topics are being discussed?  What is your consciousness producing in dialogue?

Try to differentiate what is “your voice” by speaking within your mind.  When you do this, you may notice that your voice box becomes active, you may feel that connection when you attempt to speak in your mind without your mouth.  Then, do not speak within and see what dialogues are occurring.  Try it again, do it slowly.  Observe your consciousness without speaking for a while, then try to speak within your mind.  This simple exercise helps one to begin to separate and recognize “your voice” apart from other “voices” within one’s consciousness.  There is a difference.

Now, rest and just listen within.  What is being said?  Notice the themes being discussed within your mind.  Notice also how you feel concerning the topics that are being discussed in your consciousness.  Take it slow and listen very carefully.  Listening is of the mind as well.  Try and slow down the dialogue and see what it is that is being inputted.  Yes, inputted.  Try to visualize that.  Your thoughts, aside from “your voice,” remember the exercise above, comes from an external input source.  Utilize this as an exercise.  Take it slow allow yourself to recognize this and visualize it within your mind.

Next, take the themes that have been discussed in your mind and separate them.  Take the good thoughts and separate them from the bad thoughts.  Take the kind thoughts and separate them from the hateful thoughts.  Listen to both, one at a time.  Tune into the good thoughts for a while.  Then, tune into the bad thoughts for a while.  Observe what is coming into your consciousness.  Imagine two different inputs connected to your consciousness externally.   Label one the good input, the other, the bad input.  You can use any label you want.  A more dramatic label would the the angel input, the other the devil input.  Watch and listen for cues as to what dialogue is coming from each separate input channel.  Positive and negative consciousness streams.  Keep it super simple.

Words of Power.  Notice within the dialogue within your consciousness Words of Power being used.  What we are trying to do is differentiate the negative input from the positive and notice there is a source to each.  “Your voice” that you have identified, keep it silent if you can.  However, you can have conversation with either of these channeled inputs.  But, try to keep “your voice” quiet.  The more you do this exercise will help to establish recognition of this method of communication occurring within you.

The culprit is the negative voice streams within our consciousness.  This is The Attack.  It can happen in subtle dialogue within, and gross dialogue as well.  Recognition of it is the first step.  Once you can recognize, you can identify and observe.

Words of Negative Power – The Gross

I hate….

I despise….

That is stupid…

I am stupid….

What a loser….

I can’t do it….

I want this hurtful thing……

I need this hurtful thing…..

I can’t live without…

They are bad….

I am bad…..

I am scared….

They are weak…..

I will get back at….

They are hurting me….

I’ll take it…..

I want to die….

They need to die…

I am better….

The examples of evil, negative, or bad thoughts are too many to name, but the gross ones make a point.  Either within ourselves, or in the words and actions of others, we all have heard these gross negative Words of Power.  Now, within ourselves, recognizing and being aware of these thoughts and dialogues is imperative.  Literally look at it as an Attack!  The alternative for most people is to just brush it off as an anecdote within our minds.  However, there comes times of vulnerability and traumatic events in which these negative input streams become more active.  This is why this exercise is imperative for many.  The more we do it just for our own dismantling of our own consciousness, the more we can differentiate and understand when negative consciousness streams may become elevated, either internally, or from external sources.  It works both ways.  External or internal, identify them as both an input stream.

The other reason why this is being explained is that what we understand as our brain, our mind, our emotions, our body, and our world around us is so very limited, that the truth behind and beyond our understanding is so far advanced that we cannot easily conceptualize all that is occurring.  However, there are simple ways to work around the advanced nature of our being, utilizing techniques that circumvent the mechanics that overshadow our understanding.  This exercise is one of those techniques.

Now, once establishing a recognition of a separate positive input stream and a separate negative input stream, still keeping “your voice” quiet, we can begin to see the mechanics involved.  It takes gross examples to begin.  Identify them, especially the negative.  It is the negative input stream that we are ultimately going to be dismantling.  If one can identify it, it can be quarantined, it can be separated, an ultimately controlled and managed.  If one knows there is a bully, one can do something about it.  Once separated, we can observe the illusion and the lies of it.  For reinforcement of this, one is to look at their positive input stream.  Keep it simple at first.  The more this exercise is done, the more subtle it becomes.  We work from gross to subtle.  We cannot recognize or identify the subtle without first working with the gross.

Words of Power have a quality and their variations are vast.  The theme behind Words of Power are important.  Hatred, jealousy, envy, greed, loathing, intolerance, impatience……the descriptors are too many to cover, you can look up all the synonyms.  Love, kindness, unity, tolerance, patience, joy, charity……….both iterations, good and evil, positive and negative, their iterations within our consciousness can become an array of intermeshed dialogues that we cannot differentiate.  We become a consciousness running our lives amuck driven by a jumbling of thought and feeling that is zig-zagging around under a consciousness template many of us have not taken the time to notice even exists.  One cannot know a thing is a thing until they know it is a thing.

This is why some are discussing the control structures within our world.  The societal expectations taught.  The technology and new media platforms with underlying psychological control structures built in that we accept as normal.  Also, what we cannot see and understand that exists beyond our physical senses.  There is a reason why all of this is being discussed.  An Attack on all of us without many of us even being aware that it is occurring.  It has existed even before the external control systems of today.  Our consciousness, many of us, are quite literally under control.  It exists external in our world in others and it exists within our own consciousness from sources that many of us have not even considered.  By design, it completely evades our understanding, while being right under our noses the whole time.  Many of us exist as sheep being herded around simply by the control of our consciousness in both gross and subtle forms.  Our personalities say it cannot be so, the blow is too much of a blow to the identity.  Set it all aside as best you can.

This exercise allows one to disconnect from the external control systems in our world and begin to work with and recognize the effect within ones own consciousness, ultimately discovering those same control systems within.  A human consciousness can be programmed by simple participation with what we would consider innocent.  The control structures are designed that way.  However, until one does an unplugging and an internal exercise, none will know the truth of their consciousness arena.  The individual personality has to enter into the exercise for themselves.  However, by doing so, one can work to dismantle and protect themselves from future attempts upon one’s consciousness sovereignty.  As external, so internal.  It has always been internal.  It is the internal that has created the external control systems that we see today.  Ask the minds who have created it.  They don’t even know why.

One of the most difficult aspects of consideration within this topic is the observation of others.  With a little bit of practice exercising these suggestions above, one will begin to see the process occurring in others, as well as themselves.  The words others speak, their reaction, their actions, it begins to be understood not only in others, but also within our selves.  We will see it mirrored back to us.  Our personalities, or what some may call ego, will resist this conception.  It is a threat to one’s identity.  However, just take the time to be quiet, non-reacting, and observe in others what you WILL observe within yourself.  It takes time, however, be patient and diligent.  Be compassionate with yourself when you begin to make realizations within.  More importantly, be compassionate with others when these very processes become apparent in their words and behavior.

No one likes to be mind jacked!  What if many just didn’t know they were mind jacked?  How would you help someone?  Write a simple article explaining how another claimed their sovereignty.  Don’t let the “Devil” have a say in anything!  What we don’t know is exactly what makes it all work to our detriment.  The mechanics behind consciousness that extend beyond our Earthy understanding contain within those mechanics processes that are embedded within everyone’s consciousness upon Earth.  Those mechanics are of a quality that can only be understood as divine, extra-terrestrial, supernatural, and advanced technology.  We do not have the exact words for it today.  Yet, simple methods can debunk and penetrate even something the greatest minds of today cannot yet fully comprehend.  Unplug and Deconstruct.
