The Fool – Zero – The Most Important Card In The Tarot

The Fool – how we all enter the world – our basic underlying being of today.

“Sometimes it is not so much what something means, but more importantly, the time in which it is interpreted, and what the eye allows to be seen.  The Tarot was always meant for today. “

“The dream is not the illusion.  It is when we awaken that the dream begins.  Just like a mirror, the closer you get, the more the two become one.  So too are our dreams becoming one with the illusion.  True duality is actually seeing it in unity.”

We enter the world, a fool, a child, a dunce, wrapped in illusion.  As man or woman, we are as happy as a pig, gluttonous, to food and material wants, because our center is of a sensing nature, and we pursue fulfilling those needs.  We think we are powerful with what resources we have, wielding them, but although we have eyes wide open, we cannot see the illusion.  

We are bound by healthcare and aging, which we cannot change, thus we enter cycles of reincarnation, always being a fool to the illusion of the 3-D world.  Because we are only aware of our 3-D, or diamond consciousness, we dump, or waste all the gifts given by the world.  Although, we are really spiritual beings, we fly, or are birthed into this world, unable to see or change into the rainbow creator beings we really are masked by the mirror of illusion.  

We have much beauty in the world, but we don’t respect it, allowing it to wither and die.  Because of our child-like ways caused by illusion, we don’t want to see the truth of our ways, so we support each other in the illusion.  Being above the plant and animal kingdom, we don’t respect them due to illusion, so we kill both and pollute the waters, not only of our physical world, but of our emotional world as well.  The animal kingdom does not trust us, so they will bite.  All the while, we kick our feet up unaware of our wrong doing to and with our world.  

It is also hidden, unaware to us, the many multiple dimensions and worlds of experience there are beyond this one we call home.  Despite our lack of awareness to the truth of reality, many from spirit are waiting in line for the chance to learn and grow from the experience of being trapped in illusion, to bring back lessons to our golden, true home.  We try to operate from the heart, however, our attempts are thwarted many times due to the inability to see the illusion that our eyes absorb.  

We are bound to the slow moving pace of time, seasons, and reincarnation.  Despite our differences, we are all contained within an economy of money, which is illusion as well.  We are unable to empty our cups and see the truth.  And because of this, we are all green with envy.  The devil we are so afraid of has been ourselves all along.   We are blind to our own will that already has wisdom enough to just love, many times falling short in its use.  This is the phase of humanity we find ourselves in today.

But there is a way to transcend it, as it is the destiny of all life on earth.  Humanity is the only one who is blind, the creator beings in training.  The remaining trumps explain the process on earth for each human to transition from a three dimensional human to our original 4th dimensional blueprint.  It is everyone’s birthright and eventual evolution.   It isn’t if, but when.  

The Tarot has always been the manual to transcend the illusion and unlock our true 4th dimensional blueprint.  It is also what some might understand as Jacobs ladder, or the stairway to heaven.  It tells of the steps involved and the phases experienced.  Aleister Crowley knew what he was seeing in his own minds eye and he could describe it in words.  His output was mired with complexities that have left many speculating as to their true meanings.  Deliberate, or the ramblings of a madman?  Sometimes an illusion within an illusion leaves a metaphor that spawns many interpretations.  

Four truths.  Nothing is by accident.  It was always meant be simple.  Our crystal consciousness patiently awaits.  All is valid.

“Someday it will be nature who teaches humanity how to be creator beings again.”