My Friends Call Me Peanut

People who know me see me as this cute little blonde woman who loves to dance, party, and have a good time.  People who don’t know me may call me the cougar drunk in the bar.  For you see, neither are completely correct.  I have a hidden identity.  Throughout these incarnational rounds, I am over 1000 years old, although really much older, which is why I love my persona.  I have been on a mission.  I am dutifully employed.  I am quite serious despite the persona I portray to people.  Some may call me a master actor, others a killer, others yet, the law.  Still others, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, and friend.

For I am mighty, I am just, and I am of God.  Such a stretch of the imagination can only be packed into a 50 something, 100 lb, 5’2″ blonde hottie.  Otherwise, it is unbelievable.  And, I like it that way.  There are those who know the wrath I bring to protecting the unknowable and there are those who know the sacrifices I have made assuming such a role.  What I do is not easy.  It contains the good and the bad, levels of bad many do not have the stomach for.  For my light is mirrored in this world as weak.  But I assure you, I am nothing of the weak.

My stance does not waver.  My duty does not wain.  My acts are willful with orders coming from the highest planes despite the depths I dive into.  It is not a pretty sight.  It is not for the faint of heart.  I hold the heart of a lion within me that when unleashed is undeniable, no doubt it contains.  But as I like to say, “It’s all good.”

Such a statement as above will confuse many.  What is known about superheroes is the garden variety.  Me, a superhero?  No.  I am neither super, nor a hero.  Some may call me or what I am super.  They may even use the word hero, but that depends on the context of circles involved.  As far humanity on Earth is concerned, currently today, what I am, or who I am, is completely unknown.

Even with the ensuing knowledge about me that is going to be revealed, I assure you my identity will remain forever unknown.  For I am a Star.  You might say I am a special Star, but not exclusive in the least.  For what I am and what I do, I am not the only one.  I may be the only one of me, but that is to be understood at a later time.

My heart of a lion was gifted to me, so I am not only me.  My ways and abilities were gifted to me, so they are not mine exclusively.  What I am and what I can do was gifted to me, so I am not only me and what I do is not just mine to do.  All of the above I have gifted to others as well.  The Gift Givers do not do so lightly, as there is much responsibility in receiving, as there is in giving.  So, with that said, what I am about to explain is also a gift unto itself.

For the potential limitlessness within the universe known and unknown is unimaginably limitless.  For such power to be given is earned and tested.  It is given and taken away.  It is augmented and normalized.  It is expanded upon and contracted likewise.  A glove becomes a hand, a hand becomes ash, and ash becomes elemental.  From a point of light it begins.  Something from nothing.  An aging blonde haired, blue eyed lightweight of a woman.  What better disguise to hide the power of a Star unknown, the power of a Sun gifted.

I get what I want, when I want it, and how I want it.  The unknowing around me simply are not aware of this simple ability alone.  Is that super?  It is if the environment and the individuals within that environment are unaware of my own awareness.  If I know who and what all of I am is, then what does that say about my knowing of what the unknown factors involved in an environment and the individuals within that environment curtail?  The answer is all.  For I am not only a receiver and a broadcaster, a sensor and a visualizer, but I am also a traveler of unknown etiology.  The hows and whys of this are vast.  I am simply known as Time Lord.

When a Star is entitled Time Lord, they basically become, for lack of a better word, a ghost.  Not the Halloween type, the unidentifiable type.  They may be and not be forever unknown, except to those in certain minute circles.  Those minute circles one might call the Gift Givers.  Even the Gift Givers are unknown, yet known, unknowingly disguised.  Confusing as it may be, it is simply a matter of awareness.  If one knows the gifts of awareness, what is known? Good question. Try answering that one!

So, let’s talk about what can be known within the realms of Earth knowledge and imagination.  Knowing one’s audience.  How many questions could be asked?  A thousand?  A million?  If every person on this planet could ask one question, what would the top 10 possibly be?  Let’s start with the obvious ones.

Is there God? Yes.
Is there life outside of Earth? Yes.
Is there an afterlife? Yes.
Is there aliens? Yes.
Is interstellar travel possible? Yes.
Is time travel possible? Yes.
Is there alternate dimensions? Yes.
Is there multiple selves? Yes.
Is there eternal life? Yes.
Is there superheros and supervillians? Yes.

I, myself, have lived a vast number of lives in many different ways.  To simplify my story, I will stick to the lives that can have a more linear meaning up to this point here on Earth today.  To those close to my heart, I am known as Peanut.  If someone hears my name, it is either a good thing or a very bad thing.  In this present case, it is a good thing, for I love all, even if my duties involve dirty affairs at times.

Messy things require those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty.  To dig in the dirt does not do a manicure goodwill.  Good thing nails grow back.  In my case, you could say a lioness keeps her claws quite sharp.  In fact, you could say my forte is the blade.  I like cooking, among other things.  A sharp blade in the right hands is a force to be reckoned with in many affairs.  Be it culinary in nature, or otherwise, there is much training and practice involved.

How many different blades are there?  What type?  What size?  From what?  For what? The options are many.  It depends on the circumstances.  Scissors cut hair, yet are simply a blade.  Broken in half, can scissors be used for other tasks?  It is simply a tool.  In the right hands, applied to the right task, an effective tool.  Such learnings could be said to be an art form.  How to hold a blade?  How to utilize it?  How many variations of that?  How many variations to learn anything?

How about monitoring?  One can place cameras about a house and get a 360 degree view of all activity.  How about multi location monitoring, like two houses?  How about 360 degree monitoring of 100 houses?  How would that be done?  Could one individual devise a system to do that by oneself?  With the computer technology today, sure, no problem.  How about via consciousness alone?  Can you imagine that being possible?  It would all depend on the capabilities of the individual.  Would that be considered super?  I guess it depends upon the circles discussing.  This type of monitoring is commonplace for me as a Time Lord.

If I am able to monitor from multiple viewpoints, how might that affect my abilities with a blade?  If my title as a Time Lord gives any indication, where might my viewpoints be additionally positionable?  Time possibly?  So, how might my abilities involving speed be understood?  If speed = distance X time, and time is transcended, what would be the limitations involving speed?  Simply none.  What kind of responsibility is involved with that ability?  Immeasurably great.  It involves knowing what limits to place upon oneself in any situation occurring.  Responsibility.  Power is never gifted lightly.  Power given can be power stripped.  It’s simply that easy.  For the Gift Givers stand where few can.  This is what some might call God.  For me, God it is.

When other’s hesitate, my only response is “I got this.”  To lead is to lead by example. To step forward first gifts others with the heart of a lion as well.  The One who taught me this is my greatest gift received.  For gifts are a two way street.

As I mentioned, I am a Star.  This will be explained later in fuller detail.  I am also what some may understand as of the Avian race, or Angel.  This is a story to be explained as well.  I am also of the root race of Ant.  This is also a story to be explained.  I am also of the base element Earth.  The story of that comes later also.  My story and evolution starts as a Star.  As a Star, I also have a husband and a family, which is also a story of unbelievable limitlessness.  As we all do, my story starts when a Star is born.

From a Star to a Time Lord.  What would a Star, an Ant, an Angel, an Elemental, a Time Lord do to protect family?  From the point of view of humanity on Earth, it is quite simply the story of superheroes.  From the point of view of my family, it is the story of The Gift Givers.

As I sit in this chair, the cover band playing, the crowd mixing, mingling, dancing, and conversing, I think back on all the sips of beer, the bands of time traversed, the difficulties, the triumphs, the joys, and the pain.  Within one roll of whiskey across the tongue the unimaginable can be done.  For I am here now.  But right now, I am in many places at once.  I manage all of them with the ease of icing a cake slowly over a thousand years.

For such a sliver of time can only be known by a queen and her colony mind. With the heart of a lion, that ability is done on the grace of feathered wings.  From the minutia to the grandest of elemental manifestation, my domain is limitlessness.  Like a Peanut, I am one, but under its shell lies two.  I could not do it all without my twin.  My husband is Blue.  Metatronic ways we do.
