Caution Using A Pendulum For Spirit Communication

Amidst the world of spiritual practices, the pendulum has its place.  It can be used to elicit answers to questions via a yes/no scenario in pendulum movement via what most understand as spirit interaction.  A question is asked, and the pendulum moves bringing forth an answer depending upon the direction.  Many of us have seen this in action.  However, what if the pendulum moves as the holder imagines a specific direction of movement?  Could it then be said that the pendulum moved due to conscious telekinesis?  Movement of the pendulum could then be said to be self propelled.  How does one tell between spirit interaction and conscious telekinesis?

The following video I filmed in 2014.  I go about demonstrating telekinesis of the pendulum.  Listen carefully to the audio and one can hear the energy.

What is important about this video is that it shows that pendulum work can be done with conscious intent causing the pendulum to move/swing in certain directions.  Imagine you are doing pendulum spirit work and you think “clockwise” and the pendulum moves clockwise.  If clockwise is “yes” for you, you could inadvertently have caused the pendulum to move to a “YES” answer.  How would one be able to truly tell whether the pendulum moves to conscious intent or to the invisible musings of spirit?

Watch the next video. In it you will see both conscious telekinesis and spirit interaction. At 3:10 you’ll see spirit interaction. Do watch the whole video to get the overall message.


If a pendulum can be consciously moved, there’s no way to tell if a direction is an answer, especially if the holder of the pendulum thinks the direction.  This brings into play a problem with spirit communication with a pendulum.  If we can think it, it becomes a conscious action projected.  Also, if the user is aware of their conscious quality, the pendulum can simply be told mentally which direction to move, thus invoking a desired answer.  Caution in interpreting answers when telekinesis is simply a thought away.  How does one know if it is spirit interacting or simply conscious projection occurring by the user?  A pendulum user could simply supply the desired answers by manipulating the pendulum direction.

Try to move a pendulum with mere thought.  If it doesn’t happen for you, don’t fret.  Remember, spirit is watching.  If it does happen for you, don’t fret either.  We have a lightbody, each of us.  That lightbody is awakening in many of us.  There is to be caution, however, in using a pendulum for spirit communication.  I don’t do it simply because of telekinesis and I don’t recommend anyone use it for answers.  Due to the telekinetic quality that everyone on this planet has a potential for, it is difficult to tell whether movement is self driven, or otherwise, in receiving answers.

Belief is a quality that one subjectively pursues.  I caution in using pendulum’s for answers from spirit.  However, a pendulum that moves to conscious thought is a message as well.  What would God have to say about the subject?