What Does It Mean To Be A Starseed In Ascension Today?

Listen carefully, for the language of words is filled with letters. Letters recognizable alone and in combinations that form words. Words that combine to form sentences of thought. Sentences bring paragraphs that elaborate on those ideas. And, thus, a theme is introduced. Babies are born of parents. That baby and the parents form a family. Multiple families form a neighborhood. Multiple neighborhoods form a city. The Seed is the point of entry. The letter, the baby, it is all the same. A baby mouse or a baby human. An English letter, a Chinese character. It all is a starting point of thought, or consciousness.

A Star in the night sky. How many are there? A Seed planted within a world. Seeds that came from Stars. Do we know what Seeds came from what Stars? Do we know what all the Stars have to offer in variety? A Star seeded upon a planet. A Seedling from another Star planted upon Earth. What do we know are Stars today? They are Galaxies too! A galactic Seedling planted upon Earth. From a “Star” they come, incarnated as Human to live the Earthly experience. Who are all the Starseeds? We all are! Is Earth the only place where Seeds can be planted from Stars? We all are focused upon the game of Earth currently.

Who is to know what “kind” of consciousness resides within any one individual here on this planet? There seems to be many disparities distributed among many groups. For awareness of an unexplained nature pervades itself as some sort of exclusivity among all groups. However, all are caught in the same trap. The trap is exclusive vision to one’s own knowing. We look for answers from sources of expertise. We get mixed and congruent messages across the board. The point of contention is that we each have a scope of knowing personally. That scope, each individually, is a key for all others. But, we each may have some sort of disagreement with what another says about X, and doubt continues. It just does not make sense to us. But, our own vision does. How could this paradox be created? Part of the explanation for that is that WE ALL ARE STARSEED.

Do you remember who you were prior to being birthed into this world? Some say yes and that is a point to be looked at. However, many can honestly say no. That TOO is a point to be looked at. For all are correct about everything. There is not one thing in this world that is not CORRECT. Ask if it is possible, the answer is YES. One good way to explain it is that no matter what someone, or some group, may be saying, they themselves believe it because there is a point within consciousness that knew it at one time. Some call it the subconscious mind. I like to just refer to it as one possible aspect of the human consciousness template. To know with or without any concrete evidence available is mirrored all throughout Earth. How does that happen? What links within consciousness exist that we cannot explain?

Groups will splinter off with each other and sit within a bubble of consciousness among themselves. They will call themselves whatever because they relate to each other. Why does this happen? They don’t know why it is the way it is within their own consciousness, they just know it is the right thing for them. They may feel it, know it, or both. Is anyone wrong? Absolutely not. The confusion comes into play because everyone is arguing from their point of knowing or feeling. If person A knows X and person B knows Y, who is right? They both are. What about person C who knows Z? They are right too. The one constant that one can see from an observational point is IT IS ALL OCCURRING. How does that happen? Who is the guru to inquire about that one? Who is the ONE?

Part of the missing information that provides much of the disparity, not only in the anxiety that is produced out of the world play, but also in all of the differing perspectives, is our own memory of who we are and where we come from prior to being “Seeded,” or birthed into this world. We each are human right now on Earth, but were we ALL always human? Where are all the quote/unquote aliens? And, what does “alien” mean exactly? A Grey Alien, or a being of Light? They both seem to be somewhat “not of this Earth” completely. It’s not like we can go down to the local chapter of each and talk to either of them physically in person.

The next time you are at the coffee shop standing in line, ask yourself, what “star root race” is the person in front of you? Where were they seeded from prior to incarnation on Earth? If you want a glimpse at the variety possible, go search Google for species within the Kingdoms of Life on this planet. Now, take that information and imagine a home world for each. Guess what? You just started to identify the sources of those “Seeds.”

Part of the Game here on Planet Earth is that we all agreed to Amnesia. We don’t know what happened to us prior to birth. Some do, some see, but as a majority, most don’t. Another contention to consider is that even if someone “sees,” what they see, know, or feel may also be an illusion as well. It may be correct in all ways, form, or fashion. However, is the power of Creation simply limited within the scope of only certain frequencies?

The wonderful thing about the Ascension Process is that an Ascension requires a Descension. To descend into illusion, to descend into anmesia, then, to ultimately ascend back out of it. That is the Ascension Process. Everyone is going through it in some way, shape, or form, whether they are conscious of it or not. What does it all mean? Ask the Guru you know to be. For we pick our focus and call it Truth. We forget we all are a Mosaic, each point of contention a tiny pixel. In reality, our perspective here on Earth is a tiny portion of a much larger Mosaic that many of us cannot, have not yet, or will not allow within their own consciousness sphere. And, that is OK. But, that doesn’t mean that something is incorrect. In fact, does it make any sense whatsoever that the very powers we know of God, could be limited in such form or fashion that a single person on Earth was just not worthy enough, destined to be damned to utter eternal annihilation? Then why is it that there seems to be special groups of people who seem destined for the opposite? The illusion has to be Created.

The point being, take a look at what is occurring in every aspect. Having anxiety about the world political affairs? Look at it and wonder how that is created, from a much more zoomed out perspective. Having fear of the Dark and its unseen forces in this world? Did it ever occur to you that actors can wear masks? Is there some depression concerning the possibility of a matrix, holographic universe, or a prison planet? Take a deeper consideration into the behind the scenes mechanics of that and how a simple idea can generate a belief in the worst possible outcome. Is the desire for Ascension success so great that the possibility of its ultimate failure is a reality for you? Who do you think created this world? The explanations for all of these questions and ideas come from a place of such incomprehensible magnificence that the fear associated with all of them literally proves the effectiveness of the powers of Creation we literally forgot. There is nothing to fear. It all has to be Created in order to induce the reality of fear within illusion. Who does one consult about that?

The biggest thing is Love. If the world blows up and everyone burns into ash in an instant, is all gone? Who said what about that? How could everyone possibly be saved? Who could save us? Who could create the conditions that put us in a position to cry for help to begin with? Who did we forget? Who? Who could possibly instill into the consciousness of humanity the phrase “Starseed Ascension?” Who could possibly bring about the process of Descension into Illusion to experience all of the phenomenon that is occurring today? How about just a parent who loves their children? Could it possibly be just as simple as that?
