A Field Guide For Eternity

Welcome to Earth! By now you’ve realized life is a possibility. You are living proof. There is no if’s in that knowing as by reading these words proof is given. As such, it is with great pleasure to introduce you to the next phase in your knowing. Welcome to Eternity!

Your birthright is Eternal life, which is thus known as Eternal existence. A gift such as Eternal life requires a brief introduction. As such, A Field Guide For Eternity has now been published. Brace yourself as such a guide will prove to be an exciting affair. Welcome to the introduction of an Eternity of life ever lasting.

Upon first being announced of your Eternal birthright, questions may flood your mind. Do not worry, there will be time to understand it all. Most importantly, right now, just relax for a moment, take a deep breath, and let out a sigh of relief. There is nothing to worry about. You will ever be.

A simple explanation is in order. An apology for confusion is due. Some loving words have been delayed. But no longer is that withdrawl of information to stand. Transparency has been called forth. There are no more parables, no more riddles, no more mysteries. All is now to be explained with ease.

Do you remember seeing images of garden mazes? Maybe you are lucky enough to have experienced one yourself. The high shrubbery grown and groomed to take a visitor through a maze walking. The vegetation so thick that one cannot see through its walls. However, looking up, the sky is ever visible. There is an entrance, and there is an exit. Walking within that maze may bring you to dead ends. But, with a little backtracking, we find ourselves moving again. After a little time, behold, we made it through the exit side.

The next time we go through the maze, does it get easier? It depends upon what garden maze we enter. Knowing one maze does not mean we will know another. However, the mechanics are the same. We move forward. We move backward. We go right. We go left. We turn clockwise. We turn counterclockwise. We look up. We look down. We walk. We run. We sit. We close our eyes. We sleep.

When we close our eyes we enter another maze. We dream. But why do we dream? We dream to know Eternity. When we open our eyes we return to the maze we know. It is just part of Eternity as well.

Being born is entering the maze. Leaving the maze we know as death. But every maze has its high shrubbery that one cannot see through. This life we are in is no different. However, if you look up, you’ll see the truth in the vastness of the sky and stars that stretch beyond what the eye can see. That is your Eternity.

Within this maze of Earth, our Eternal Birthright has never been hidden from us. Look up and you’ll see where you’re going. Look down and you’ll see what it is like to stand upon. Look around and know what possibilites lie awaiting. For Earth is an example of what is awaiting all of us. Life among countless stars, and more! That is our birthright for all!

It does not get any more simple than that. Truth is simple. You are Eternal. When all the distractions within this Earth are set aside, even for a moment, the Truth becomes apparent. No matter the struggle, we all need to be told the Truth. When we die, we only die to this world, to this life, to the experience of it all. What we prepare ourselves for is the experience of being able to navigate other possibilities within Eternal life. Earth life is just a small part of that Eternal experience.

The most important thing to realize is that by simply being here, you already had Eternal life. So, we all are simply living Eternity now. Knowing this is so important, which is why this guide has been written. Eternal life is everyone’s inherent birthright. All have it. None are the exception. There is no exception to this rule.

If suddenly everyone was naked standing upon open fields stretching across the globe, all of human creation gone, what would be the effect? Would Truth be seen then? Where would everyone look to for guidance? The only way to look would be up, as it was done many aeons ago. What we forget can easily be illustrated again. This is a remembrance we can all embrace today, right now. Strip it all away, what is left? A world, life, and a people.

What does Eternity have awaiting? Our own history shows us. From naked in a field to the lives of today, does that seem of Eternity’s making? It would sure seem like an Eternity, the history of this planet and its people throughout. Now look up again and multiply that knowing by the number of stars seen. How many Eternities could there be? Infinite? Do you see?

You are a part of that Eternity right now in this very moment. What do you want to do in Eternity? Make a sandwich. Doodle on paper. Watch children play. Walk in nature. Drive a car. Fly somewhere. Work on projects. Talk to another. The miracle of Eternal life is happening on this planet in countless ways right now. Even just right now, those occurances are uncountable. Now, look up again at the stars in the sky. What possibilites have always been there for us and always will be, happening right now? Proof of it has always been around us here on this planet. A hint of Eternity guaranteed.

An experience of a life on Earth is nothing more than a preparation for a suprise awaiting. Let me repeat. Living a life on Earth is an acceptance within Eternity to awaken to something greater than we can ever imagine. In the most loving way, Eternity has its gifts all along the way.

Like a reindeer guiding gifts through the snowy night, in tow is a gift giver who never fails to deliver down chimneys galore presents evermore. A Santa Land across infinity’s span. What cookies have you left for Santa?