The Nine Levels Of Pain

From an Eathly perspective in witnessing life and humanity, pain can be witnessed across a broad range. Within these ranges, pain can be witnessed and experienced on many different levels as well. Physical, psychological, social, economic, racial, mental, emotional, and even spiritual pain has been experienced, witnessed, and documented.

Further types of pain and their magnitudes can be discovered and analyzed, also experienced. A mentioning of the more direct types gives us an idea of what possible levels of pain exist. Ignorance can bring about pain, for instance, as can contempt. From the gross to the finer, and qualities there of, pain can be much like a point on a graph or within a cube to visualize its possible variety.

Just the very idea of levels of pain, hinting at magnitudes or varieties of experience that involve pain, can be an experience of pain itself for some. However, an intersting question to ask is whether that pain is of an Earthy experience or an otherly experience? Within Earth we have a history that shows us what kinds of pain this planet and humanity can endure. Pain comes in individual and group affairs on this planet. How is pain experienced outside of Earth?

The nine levels of hell. The nine levels of pain. Without defining those nine levels, what do those statements hint at? Do we hope that the iterations of pain on Earth are not existent within an unlimited multiverse? If pain is here, how might that be expressed in the unlimitedness of eternity? Is nine numbers enough to describe that possibility? What magnitudes and expressions could be created and occur within that unlimited multiverse? Does this statement hint there might be a minute possibility of that? Not an easy thing to ponder.

So, why would even the idea of nine levels of pain be a subject at all? Why would hell be a thing to describe? The vacationers at the beach front resorts have wolves mingling among them at some resorts. The wolves among sheep in certain fields of grazing. Out in the multiverse, the same anology exists.

If here there exists a fight against human trafficking, how might that be expressed across a multiverse? If here there exists psychological pain, how might that pain be expressed within unlimitedness? If here there exists prejudice, how might that be expressed in the areas of the multiverse? Who would be willing to step into those circles to have a word or two with said pain dealers?

Would you step up against pain? If so, why? Would you have to have had an experience of pain to understand and drive with fearless motivation to thwart such gross misuse of pain? How would one know if pain was misused and why? Who so among the ALL was brave enough to harrow the hell? How about all of us here.

One of the biggest ways in which pain can be experienced is one in which one does not even know they are being prepared for. Amnesia is an ingredient to learning. It can also be a healing agent. There are those who live lives of pain on this planet and there are those who live charmed lives. Asking why in reverse engineering, a simple explanation tells broadly why.

Pain experienced, its antidote is love. To understand pain, one must live it. From an unlimited multiverse realm of possibility, pain and love have their polar opposite in wide variety. The same is mirrored here on Earth, in a more secluded, private, controlled environment. Living a life within amnesia can be a healing environment, a learning environment, and a training environment. Whether that life contains parts of pain and love, the prescription of a life has its treatment, learning, or training regime individual to each. Even on a global scale there is an overall protocol for the overshadowing theme in reference to pain and love.

No one knows truly the purpose of a tragic life or death here on Earth. No one truly knows what was to be healed by a charmed life. The idea of the nine levels of hell or pain can give an idea of the whys. Not so much as a specific place like “hell,” but more a known potentiality in places across the limitless multiverse.

“Go to hell!” How many have said that? What are the reactions? Some find it deeply offensive. Yet, there are those who somewhat laugh. How is that? “Been there, done that. No thanks.” Could that possibly ring through a consciousness here on Earth? What about the one who has no fear of returning to such a domain? Would that make that individual an agent of the Dark? What about the idea of an infiltrator of Dark realms? Would that occupation exist outside of Earth? If so, would there be those of such an inclination incarnated on Earth presently? The story of Jesus and his harrowing of hell. His story. Is the harrowing a story for others as well? Is there one agent needed or many? Who might sign up for that role? How many are on Earth?

The idea of the nine levels of pain can be thought of as merely an experiential understanding that can be entered upon. Much like scuba diving, there is much to understand within the ocean depths. There is the participant and there can be the pain environment controller. What organizations outside of Earth might take responsibility for the patrol of such environments? If they found victims and perpetrators where might they go after a pain realm is dismantled? One possibility is Earth for rehabilitation via amnesia.

Eternal life is abound in unlimitedness. Its discussion here is a privilege. The idea of the word hell or pain is paramount in the human experience. In alot of ways, life on Earth can be thought of as a safe controlled environment for a renewed introduction to the value of those ideas. Its lessons here span from the ultragross to the sublte rejection by Lightbearers who simply cannot see beyond a mask or the mechanics of an environment that propel their own lessons. The iterations of pain can be so minute that a beaten and bloodied victim of unknowing can quite literally be turned into a demon by eyes in unknowing as well. How can that happen? Ask from above, the adminstrators create the lessons for all in amnesia.

However, despite the obvious and unobvious, a positivity is to be noted from these levels of pain. Even if within a life we never fully know, our return from training in this life, back to our eternal selves, brings with it the rememberings of why. There are many reasons why. A pain experiencer or a pain dealer, does each return to a knowing forgotten? What “good” comes out of our agreed participation? Can compassion see that? Even a pain dealer knows not what they are doing in this world. Who would sign up for that and why?

Wolves and sheep spread across a ball so deep within the expanse of space so dark. Kinda peculiar we’re just sitting here all by ourselves. A world with nine levels of hell and nine choirs of angels. Heaven and hell, joy and pain, sunshine and rain. Dimensional variety in play.

Now, expand that out to a solar,cosmic, galactic, intergalactic, universe, multiverse, and further yet to a subdimensional and superdimensional structure that spans an infinite multi-container structure containing all of the above, and more, along parallel, perpendicular, intersecting, and mirrored multipliplicities within an even greater number of expansions and contractions, all containing realms of experience imaginable and unimaginable. Soon the variety that exists becomes a paradox unrealized, yet somehow miraculously managed. Pain becomes a minute ingredient within a box of crayons that Crayola cannot distribute. One crayon pain is. What mosaics include its color?