Seeing Through The Illusion On Earth

We are born, we die. We enter a world to play a game. This world we find ourselves in has many names. The World of Mirrors. The Game of Shadows. The Realm of the Brave. Many line up to enter, many leave to return again. Why? To learn.

We live today in a world that most of us deem as normality. What is it that we came here to do? We live, we become, we find ourselves doing. We awaken knowing “I am Jack,” “I am Jill.” A Jack and a Jill in a world unknown still. Yet, we find ourselves doing and seeing others doing as well.

What is it that I can be? I see Jack being that, is that what I can be? I see Jill being too, is that something that I can do? And so we become, to be and to do. It takes two to be and do. What mirror do we see that makes us become what we be? But is it only external mirrors that bring about our identity?

We see a shadow and we jump. It follows us around and mimics our every move. What is this shadow that be? Is it external or a reminder of the who in the we? And if this shadow is a part of the self, what is its image to teach us of our part dealt? We live, we see, we know, we believe.

What is an illusion and how can one know they reside within one? A moment with a shadow and its puppet will tell. We teach ourselves, we mirror with our shadow. Our own internal game occurs within this external game called Earth. The irony is the answer has been following us since birth. The shadow resides within the mind as well.

For we see the illusion external and the internal shadow speaks. We engage in mirrors others reflect back to us externally, and thus we learn. Simultaneously, our shadow within does play the same game of mirrors. We learn from our shadow within, and thus we be, we know, we do.

But the shadow within is not the only internal mirror. For every shadow requires a light to be. A mirror of light inside can we all also see. For it is not so much whether we are Jack or Jill, two mirrors opposite and same, but the knowings of the mirrors of shadow and light within this game. This game of shadows, this world of mirrors, lies within a mirror itself. The glass is you, an external mirror, and an internal world as well.

This game we play externally and internally has its ultimate example in life and death. We are now internal. We forgot the external. But can we learn from the external while being internal? Yes. With that said, what is real? If this world is our internal enviroment lived, what is the external we know not of? How can we know anything is truly real? How can we know what is truth? If we have no memory of the opposite side of the mirror, how can anything we see mirrored to us be taken as absolute truth?

The fun house creator does make walls to hide the inner workings of the maze. But the maze walker can become aware of the walls. Hidden doors do the walls contain. Once discovered, stepping through the doorway unknown, the game is revealed for what it is. An illusion is known.

For every game requires a game master. Every illusion has its creator. Even a game creator leaves doors of discovery for its players. It wouldn’t be a game otherwise. For all it takes is one who finds those doors to show others the illusion is nothing more. A game, a mirror, a shadow….a brave Jack and Jill.