What Does It Mean To Be Eternal And Multidimensional?

To understand the age old question of eternal life is a difficult one. To understand multidimensionality adds to that confusion even more. To sit within human life on Earth and understand these concepts, it becomes a matter of personal subjectivity. Ah ha! Personal subjective knowing. There is an unknowing and there is a knowing. Could it be as simple as remembering? Could it be as simple as trusting that knowing? An illustration is in order.

Did you know it was possible to be you? Here you are. A birth is announced, another proof of the possible you. So it is done. You are possible. I am a you, same as you. I am possible, it is proven. So is everyone you know, so is all life on Earth. It is proven to be possible.

Evidence exists of other possibilities as well. Is there a person on a beach right now? How about on a mountain top? How about “How about?” It is all possible here. It is all possible, even elsewhere. “That can’t be possible! We don’t have evidence here!” Here or there, does it matter where? If you stand on a stump here, can another do it there? Point given.

To believe in eternal life is to forget eternal life. To believe in multidimensionality is to be removed from multidimensionality. To believe in the antithesis of either requires an environment that reinforces neither exist. Welcome to Earth life. Ok, now we can move on.

What would you do if you had eternal life and you had access to multidimensionality? Maybe you would vacation on an exotic planet. Maybe you would voyage through multiverses. Maybe you would study with alien races? The lengths of the imagination of possibilites is endless. Would you be born into a world like Earth? Why would someone choose to do that? If you can choose to do a limitless number of things, why choose to be born here on Earth? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? You would. Why? “I don’t know.”

Why would someone who has access to limitlessness choose a limited life on Earth? The most simplest of answers is because it can be done. No matter what is occuring for anyone right now, it just is, that’s all. How can that be? No matter how, it just is. Do we have choice in the matter of how our “right now” is? See what your consciousness says about it right now.

A moment can seem like forever and a moment can seem limited. But a moment can be whatever it is and it can be unlimited. It can be whatever it is and that is proven to us with little investigation. So how do we live eternal and be multidimensional in this life that seems so the opposite? We know it and we feel it.

We all work together and we share what we know and feel. One person’s knowing and feeling can be a trigger for another. When one’s memories outside of this life are opened up, we share that key recieved and we give it away freely. We each hold all the keys for each other because we all are the same. We come from afar to live life together on a farm. That farm is Earth. Farmhands work together to help reap the rewards of a harvest we all need. Especially today, that harvest needed is hope. Even concepts such as eternal life and multidimensionality are foodstuffs to free ourselves. It becomes a remembering of health on many levels that frees us from limitation, within limitation.

“But I just can’t believe all that hooey hock,” said the man from time forgot. Yet a generation and age has arrived where even the sublime is alive. A place beyond the reaches of Earth, does it exist? Or is it simply that we forgot time spent there in its midst? What would those places be like? What was our subjective roles there? What is our status in those places now? Do we have a history outside of our knowing here? Would that history be considered the past or the future? Is it time for stories of old from futures realm? Is it time for future stories from realms of old? A story to be told. A story of old untold. A story told, one told anew. Would its belief be among a few?