A Pearly Preconception

An ocean, an oyster, a pearl. Within the depths of an ocean, a being, a life does live within its shell. This being shows its inner self throughout its life, yet its shell identifies as well. Throughout its lifelong journey it has a purpose it pursues. What do we know of the matters of an oyster?

A human picks up a shell wondering what is inside, what mysteries this hardened treasure found may reveal. Upon opening, its slimy interior brings curiosity in the least. Amidst the contradictory exterior, among the fingerings of curiosity, an oddity is found. A smooth round pearly gem. What is this?! The imagination and wonder upon its discovery.

A gem found hidden within a teasure chest lost to depths unimaginable, seemingly unreachable. How? Why? Who? What? When? Where all? It is a miracle. A human standing in wet sand holding a discovery. The discovery stands today.

What we look at, what do we know? For when we look in a mirror we know. But when we look opposite a reflection, is it not a reflection? A pearl, within flesh, within a shell, within the depths of a watery world, reflects its own miracle before our very eyes. Is it the layers seen or the pearl hidden that is the treasure found? Is it shell, water, flesh, pearl, hands, or eyes that is the surprise? The guise of the surprise. What are the layers within reflection otherwise? What is the prize? The conflagration of size?

A nested discovery awating it was, this shell held in synonymous hands. A pearl of wonder found asunder. Feet pounding like thunder, racing to display this wonder. I cannot believe it, but with fingers I feel it. My eyes know surprise. A pearl today is no surprise. The pearl we are, do eyes recognize? With hands we feel, with eyes we see. Does a gem know a pearl from the sea? Could it be family?