The Annunaki Humbled

Out in the cosmos, there exists many, many different races of beings. From our perspective on Earth, one such race of beings we are somewhat familiar with is the Annunaki. Despite our failure to know more, there exists a story of the Annunaki that escapes the memory of humanity. As timelines of events exist in a magnitude we as humans on Earth cannot as of yet fully manage to conceptualize, the story of the Annunaki is one among many. The following is excerpts of certain details concerning the Annunaki’s own evolution in experience.

The Annunaki have a long history as a warring race of beings. They have succeeded in being capable of overthrowing many different races to the point of being feared out in the cosmos. Their main objectives in evolution have been strength of being in ways that pale in comparison to humanity upon Earth. From the point of birth upon the Annunaki worlds, their race, whether male or female, are trained for the sustenance of this warring capacity. It is brutal to say the least. They revel in their capacity to maintain such strength from such early upbringings. Both natural born and slave within their ranks have been brought up in these circles of brutality warring.

The Annunaki, whether male or female, are specimens of strength unrivaled. All appear bald headed so as to maintain an undifferentiated appearance. There is no prejudice in upbringing. Both sexes are treated under the same theme of training. No matter what roles a gender may ultimately fall into, everyone born into the Annunaki ranks goes through the same brutal and rigorous training. It is a primitive training, requiring vigorous physicality. The warring culture, the militaristic theme, prevails all through it’s ranks, from child to adult. Slave or natural born, none are the exception. All receive the induction of their ways.

The Annunaki not only place their own offspring into their methods of training, but also slaves and outsiders. The first episode of training is one being stripped of their attire, no matter where they come from, their head shaved, and being beaten within an inch of their life. This is the introduction into the ranks of the Annunaki. Like I mentioned earlier, their ways are brutal and without prejudice. The control measures and expectations are way beyond anything that could compare upon Earth. The closest example of their ways might be training within the Navy Seals. Even that example to conceptualize is weak at best. The position they indoctrinate their ranks into first is to squat with your knuckles flat upon the ground. Try to maintain this position for hours and you have a beginning idea of the brutality the Annunaki indoctrinate. It is of the order of torture. Their belief is to train for what an enemy might place their ranks into.

Their weapons of choice are the fists, feet, and the blade. The position described above strengthens the fist and feet first, then training with the blade follows. All go through this training. They are experts in their craft to say the least. Try it sometime. Squat all the way down with feet flat on the ground with your fists between your knees flat on the ground. Maintain that position for as long as you can. Welcome to their introductory training. The reason they push this position upon their ranks is two fold. It is most uncomfortable, but provides a base position that contains the maximum allowable potential for explosive movement. It also develops flexibility in power. No matter what part of the body is in contact with the ground, the development of this position provides a defensive and offensive advantage in combat. The advantage developed by this position has been proven in combat over eons of time. Simple, yet effective, when properly trained. All other methodologies are developed and trained from this base position. A strong comeback from being knocked down always prevails. From that position maximum power becomes at one’s disposal.

Beyond their brutal and deadly training at lower ranks, the Annunaki are also known for their space faring warships and their techniques of cloaking and monitoring. They not only excel at the technological level but also at the mental and emotional level. Since their methodologies are of such a warring singularity, they have developed the discipline to work in tandem biologically with their military monitoring technologies, giving them the capabilities to go undetected as well as so fine tuned to detect the faintest of mental and emotional signatures in space time. Their fleets of ships are somewhat akin to our own submarines in that they “listen” to the ocean of space while remaining silently undetected themselves.

For example, any thought or emotion occurring within a living being has a certain frequency of energetic transmission that occurs within space time across varying distances. The Annunaki have not only advanced to detect the faintest signatures, but also do so from a point of silence they themselves have trained to reach.  They listen undetected on the mental and emotional levels.  Others who have similar technologies have a difficult time detecting the Annunaki due to this training.  The thought and emotional levels of the Annunaki remain without movement or transmission during their probing missions into other worlds and space monitoring.  One such technique used is best known as “swallowing one’s words.”

How “swallowing one’s words” words is by capturing thought or emotion as it occurs and keeping it within without projection.  When a thought or emotion within is perceived beginning, it is simply kept within one’s energy body and “swallowed” for processing within the energy bodies.  The thought or emotion does not emit from the energy body across space time.  It stays localized within one’s own being.  The is a meditative discipline that requires practice.  The Annunaki are experts at this methodology of remaining undetected, or for lack of a better term, unreadable to certain technologies and scanning abilities.  This is why the Annunaki when encountered may have a silent, flat affect.  Many of them are quiet in social capacity as they themselves as biological beings are energetically shielding themselves while reading others at the same time.  Some might understand this as a disciplined empathic nature to say the least.  They swallow their words before it can be detected by others.  Even more so, they control their thought processes and emotional expression before any energy signature can even be materialized for transmission within the local  aethersphere.  They know just what that means.  A thought or emotion can be detected not only locally, but across what we understand as light years of distance.  They are acutely aware of this and are trained to circumvent this potentiality.

The Annunaki conduct themselves in this manner because of their own revelations in their evolution.  They today know that there are beings above them that can keep tabs on them.  They became humble as a warring race during a detection of a thought/emotional signature in their monitoring missions.  When they went to investigate this signature, they could find nothing except a mountainous landscape.  A brief episode of attack was initiated, but became futile when realization came.  What they thought was a massive mountainous landscape turned out to be a living being.  Its energy signature was so large, the Annunaki perceived it as a threat.  When they realized that their ship was but a spec in comparison to the size of this entity, they withdrew their attacks.  Just the movement of this entity was enough to send their ship into swirling wind drafts.  The Annunaki became humbled by their introduction to a race of beings known as the Titans.

The Titans are the same beings we have on record here on Earth.  The difference is that these beings have their own homes, residing upon specific planets out in the multiverse.  The Titans are masters of size as one of their virtues.  They reside upon a plane of evolution that places them between what we understand as the evolving intelligence and the evolved Gods.  The Annunaki, in this instance, were the evolving intelligence, the Titans the evolved Gods.  This Titan reduced its size to that of the Annunaki for correspondence with them.  It was taught that size is simply relative and that the Annunaki could be squashed like a bug with little effort.  All of their training, their warring masteries, it all meant nothing in one single moment.  The Annunaki were simply a bug in comparison to this Titan.  Out of this came a teaching for the Annunaki, a shift in their being.  It can best be termed a Humbling Realization.  From then forward, the Annunaki began a shift in their prime directives.  They learned that even what they detect as a threat is alone a misreading of what they are interpreting as a threat.  This encounter shook up the Annunaki as a whole race.  It brought about a drastic change in their activities.

In order to bring about a change within their systems of being and operation, an agreement was made.  Members of their society would go with the Titans to learn the higher ways, and members of the Titan ranks would be indoctrinated in the Annunaki ways.  What we know of the Annunaki today is evidence of their presence here upon Earth working with the Titans of Old.  In contrast, members of the Titans commenced to live closely with the Annunaki, going through their training regimen.  By living upon Earth and interacting with humanity, the Annunaki were given the experience of working closely with a population of beings to learn lessons.  Like wise, the Titan representatives took to the Annunaki lifestyle to learn their ways.  Humanity was the representatives chosen for interaction, not only with the Annunaki directly on Earth, but subjects of humanity also residing upon the home of the Annunaki.

After this arrangement was made into reality, the Annunaki realized their erroneous ways not only in direct management of slaves, but in their interactions via their time upon Earth.  Because of this, the Annunaki have remained, like many other races, at certain levels of interaction with what can be understood as the Creator Level Of Existence and those beings involved.  The Annunaki and their primitive and aggressive ways have been a work in progress.  To be Annunaki has it’s trail of tears as well, just as humanity.  Out in the Cosmos today, the Annunaki are known neutrally among the multiverses.  It is known that they are guided by higher intelligences.  Many groups of beings are noted as having this correspondence.  However, there are still many worlds of beings who have yet to make these evolutionary realizations.  The Annunaki now work in favor of greater circumstances of what can be thought of as good intentions.  One could call this occurrence as the integration of love into the system.

The Annunaki went from a superpower to a humbled power.  It is not so much that their power was stripped, but that their power was illustrated as to its ineffectiveness being a reality.  All that they had created and developed stood as simply child’s play.  The Titans gave them this lesson.  The reason behind this occurrence is that it was time for the Annunaki to work in stopping the negative occurrences in their home worlds and beyond.  This included mainly slavery and the slave trade.  The Annunaki not only have a long history of using slave labor both in industry and in their military, but also in teaching others the management of slaves.  This has ended and the focus is now the opposite.

The Annunaki, in at least a large arm of their society, is now dedicated to the eradication of slavery in all forms.  This was a big shift in their evolution.  They went from the kings of slavery to the kings fighting slavery.  Guidance from divine connection has allowed them to assist the greater effort in the vast multiversal existence.  As part of their history, it took a humbling episode at the highest of order in their society to initiate a change for the better good.  They now stand as working ambassadors for that greater good as their own evolution moves forward.

In forming dismantling groups that battle the ever existing dark corners of creation, the Annunaki are knee deep in this effort.  The Annunaki has soldiers and operatives who work in these efforts regularly.  They are members of teams that include not only Annunaki, but many other races of beings dedicated to battling dark forces.  You might say that there is a policing system to much of the multiverses.  Outside of certain boundaries, certain activities have little to no investigative efforts.  Much is gotten away with.  The Annunaki are a part of this effort to manage these places and practices of an illegal nature.  In no man’s land there is little policing.  Few go to these places, and likewise, even fewer go to stop injustices such as slavery occurring this these locations of space-time.  The Annunaki have little fear and hold the constitution to enter these spaces.  They do so with teams of others willing and trained to handle these types of situations.  They do not mind getting their hands dirty, so to speak.

When one looks at the peace sign they can get an idea of how the entirety of creation is organized.  The right side represents good, the left evil.  At the top the difference between good and evil is at 50%, or balanced.  As one moves down either side, there is an increase in both good and evil.  At the bottom there is a triangle that represents a segmented section all on its own.  This bottom triangle represents good and evil in its most magnified manner.  In this case, both good and evil reside in magnitude that is unspeakable.  Too much good can be justified while suffering exists, with the escalation of evil becoming more and more chaotic.  Neither good nor evil at these levels exists, both become iterations of chaos.  The experience within this bottom triangle is locked away from being accessed by anyone except those assigned.

This triangle of the peace sign represents dimensions, worlds, and places that have been created that require quarantining for various reasons.  No one but of the highest authorization can enter this area.  It is on lockdown.  Special groups are organized to enter this realm and dismantle these dimensions, rescuing those caught within.  Problems occur, dimensions become corrupted, and many other issues become cause for this type of quarantining.  Usually, a world tends to experience a huge elevation in the amount of evil or good.  As is the case for Earth, one might say that we have seen spikes in the evil in this world across our recent history that involve levels of evil that have surpassed the allowable boundary.  WWII is enough of an example to understand that spike in evil.  Does that humbling event give us fuel to change our world in ways that benefit all?  Examine the current state of our society and that answer will be revealed.

The Annunaki had their humbling event.  When will Earth and Humanity have theirs?  We exist in a world with suffering, poverty, disease, homelessness, greed, inequality, stigma, and prejudice.  When will the evil on this planet subside?  When will we see as a group together the ending of these evil ways?