What is Angelic Origins?

For centuries and centuries of time, the word angelic has been uttered within and without human consciousness.  Paintings of antiquity, even art of today, portray these humanoid winged beings as coming from and being of a divine nature that eludes our understanding.  Divine books speak of their origins even before the conception of this world.  Like travelers and custodians of a realm, their presence within earth has been discussed as long as human understanding has been documented.

What is Angelic?  What are its origins?  These beautiful beings carry with them stories of interactions with humanity that remain in books surviving today.  Both male and female forms these creatures of divinity have presented themselves as.  They bare beauty and behold grace of form.  Their virtues they carry as messengers to humanity.  Feathered aviary wings they embody.  What is this beautiful humanoid, this bird of flight in man’s form, this protector, this messenger, this healer, this knowledge bearer, this Angelic?

Tales and knowledge of their existence and their interactions in the world are numerous to say the least.  Even today, some people claim to have seen these divine angelics.  Some claim to maintain communication with these beings of divinity.  Some even claim to be angels themselves.  Humans living today, having ties to these beings, these extraterrestrials, these alien beings, stand with their convictions of their existence.  Many humans of the past have documented their own witnessing of these creatures so close to man’s form.  Be it art, writing, and even photography today show evidence.

But what is the origin of these Angelics?  Who are they?  Where do they come from?  What are they?  How are they related to us?  How are we related to them?  What is their relation to God as it is so documented?  Our books and encounterees speak of these Angelic beings and the reality of their presence among us.  Even with proof, and even with belief, what is their story?  If they have a story, what do we have to do with them?  Why are they so involved in this world and interested in our affairs?

If there could be a story to explain all of this, what would it be?  How could it possibly be explained?  All of the Angelics, the entire choir, standing around the throne of God.  What does it all mean?  A beautiful female winged human.  A beautiful male winged human.  Beautiful children, winged children.  Angelic forms that span from innocence to the mighty warrior, from vibrant beauty to the knowing scribe.  Who are the Angelics?  What are their origins?  They seemed to have been even before their was light.

How old is earth’s history?  Could a race of beings be older than that?  If so, what would that mean?  And, how would that relate to us humans here on earth?  It seems we have some alien beings that truly care about this planet and its people.  From the forms that have depicted these wondrous beings, it seems we might have great allies standing with us.  Their story must be a wondrous one.  Their origins must be beyond our imaginations.  Why would a race of beautiful beings like that choose a form so close in resemblance to us humans?

Like a mirror this world reflects back to us all, ALL that we are.  All that WE ALL ARE.  Not just THAT, but ALL.  I wonder if our elusive friends might have a story to tell explaining that?  A story of origins.  A story for ALL.


**Original Photograph Taken in 2015:


**Cropped version:
